Yes Jaja, u can marry a Muslim man without converting...
Hey hun,
Any muslim has the right to give away...
Hey man...
No one so much as mentioned...
ur question is very intresting...
i have to say...
Old fashioned and outdate Miss gypsy are considered...
Ur views on adoption and ur passion...
I again have 2 commend u on your strong...
Hey there...
it seems like u are a...
Mr. Red rope
i would like 2 draw ur attention...
i will agree with u that there is a...
Yes Jaja, u can marry a Muslim man without converting...
Hey hun,
Any muslim has the right to give away...
Hey man...
No one so much as mentioned...
ur question is very intresting...
i have to say...
Old fashioned and outdate Miss gypsy are considered...
Ur views on adoption and ur passion...
I again have 2 commend u on your strong...
Hey there...
it seems like u are a...
Mr. Red rope
i would like 2 draw ur attention...
i will agree with u that there is a...