it seems like u are a very detirmined and strong headed and willed person, which are all very admirable qualities...
i would like 2 take ur advice on something...
Do u think that attacking people and/or their beliefs ferosiouslly could quite potentially harm the way they view an essentially bueatifull person??
And if u think the above is true, Do u think it might be better for someone ( say myself), to try and excercise a minimal amount of patience and tolerance to the views of others ( even if i dont like them), to the end of creating a good relationship with them that would allow me down the road to make the point(s) i want to make with minimal ( if any resistance) on their part?
What do u think?
On the issue of adoption, Islam doesnt prohibit adoption,it prohibits giving an adopted child the name of the foster parent ( and/or the legal rights that insue from inheritance and so on)
However, Islam incourages in very possitive and uplifting language the " sponsorship" of children in need ( including taking them into homes and famillies)....
That is to say, a muslim can take a child into his/her house, feed him/her, provide shelter, educaion, love, care, financial assistance and all that ( which is identical to the western vesrsion)...
The only issue where Islam and the modern adoption western procedures part is that involving Giving the foster father's name to the adopted child...
As i explained before, according to islamic law ( shari'aa) this would mean that this child would be entitled to some rights that are not his, and would be denied of some rights that are totally his...
The rights he would be taking unlawfully include inheritance among other things...
rights that he/she would be deprived of would include getting married to a certain member of that familly ( since brothers and sisters cant get married for example)...among other things
I hope this in a way explains how The islamic version of adoption is quite similar to that u are accustomed to and how it does part from what u r accustomed to on a few issues that are crucial for societal wellbeing in the Eyes of God and the islamic legislature...
Thank you for your patience to read all this, and have a gr8 day...
Hey there...
it seems like u are a very detirmined and strong headed and willed person, which are all very admirable qualities...
i would like 2 take ur advice on something...
Do u think that attacking people and/or their beliefs ferosiouslly could quite potentially harm the way they view an essentially bueatifull person??
And if u think the above is true, Do u think it might be better for someone ( say myself), to try and excercise a minimal amount of patience and tolerance to the views of others ( even if i dont like them), to the end of creating a good relationship with them that would allow me down the road to make the point(s) i want to make with minimal ( if any resistance) on their part?
What do u think?
On the issue of adoption, Islam doesnt prohibit adoption,it prohibits giving an adopted child the name of the foster parent ( and/or the legal rights that insue from inheritance and so on)
However, Islam incourages in very possitive and uplifting language the " sponsorship" of children in need ( including taking them into homes and famillies)....
That is to say, a muslim can take a child into his/her house, feed him/her, provide shelter, educaion, love, care, financial assistance and all that ( which is identical to the western vesrsion)...
The only issue where Islam and the modern adoption western procedures part is that involving Giving the foster father's name to the adopted child...
As i explained before, according to islamic law ( shari'aa) this would mean that this child would be entitled to some rights that are not his, and would be denied of some rights that are totally his...
The rights he would be taking unlawfully include inheritance among other things...
rights that he/she would be deprived of would include getting married to a certain member of that familly ( since brothers and sisters cant get married for example)...among other things
I hope this in a way explains how The islamic version of adoption is quite similar to that u are accustomed to and how it does part from what u r accustomed to on a few issues that are crucial for societal wellbeing in the Eyes of God and the islamic legislature...
Thank you for your patience to read all this, and have a gr8 day...
"missiles, warships and nuclear weapons cannot establish security. Instead they destroy what peace and security build." Anwar Sadat