Old fashioned and outdate Miss gypsy are considered strong language when they are describing someone;s holly book...
its like calling jesus a whimp for saying turn the other cheeck...
it normal circumstance it isnt such an insult, but when directed towards a holly figure/book it becomes strong language..
does that answer ue question?
And u might have heard of a little concept called constructive ambiguity...
its an integral part of any respectable constitution, and allows for different interpratations for a script with the changing times...
The quran is our constitution, and it is ( in parts) contructivelly ambigious so as to allow us to change our view on certain matters ( away from core principles) with the changing time...
I have no idea who made u think u can pass judgments on Muslims and Islam..
As much as i agree with u that Old fashioned interprataions of the quran are causing adjusting problems for muslims in this changing world, i would like to beg differ on the cause of that...
The quran is not where the problem lies, its in the minds of the poeople who wish not to change the interprataions that were given 1400 years ago...
in that respect, i will agree with u 100%...
But the quran itself as a scripture allows for various view points and modernity....
As for ur intresting account on the problems facing the Muslim world...
i will not be silly and get into a ridilous debate about the " counter problems " the western society has...
and i will not ( out of fear of offending any one) delve into the kind of sacrifices christianity has had 2 make as a religion 2 adopt to this new world u r speakig off ( like allowing homosexual priests and the very intresting things that fall into that category)...
i will simply say this,
terrorism in an international phenomenon, and is not religion specific..
u may have heard of isreali prime mister yeshak Rabin assasinated by a jewsih fundamntalist...
u may have heard of the christian timothy mcvay and what he did...
u may have heard of the atlanta bombings...
u may have heard of the hightest rape and murder rates in the world being in ur North american continent...
so as much as i am sue it is satisfying 2 u to look at the world from that pedestal or hight horse u r on and look down on people else where, i hate to be the 1 to break it 2 u hun, Ur socities are so full of it too ( which doesnt please me either to keep the record straight)
i mean, its not bec ur societies are non muslim or non arab that it makes me feel happy that they are full of problems and SH**....
on the very contrary....
and the examples go on and on ( or need i bring em up one by one??)
Honor killings are silly, i ll give u that, but so are vendeta crimes ( southern italy and greece till today)
u may have heard of the american sect leader a coupld of years back who killed himself and 180 of his followers.....
Ur account of things in the middle east is grocely tainted by ur ignorance of the area hun...like i told u bef, pick up a book or something....
For example, on the niqab and working in bisexual work places...
lets see...
My mom only wore a Hijab ( head cover ) in her late 30's...was driving a car since she was in her 20's...
as we speak she is teh department head of language school in cairo and 70% of her subordinates are men...
before u start getting smart, she has been in her possition for the last 15 years, and before that she was teacher at the same school...
so all through her youth she was working there....
My sister is the personal assistant of the manager of a small company...her direct boss is male, her direct subordinates are also male....
My cousine works in a bank ( HSBC if u must know), was ranked 3 in under 18 tennis in africa and ranked 81 world wide, and she used to tour ATP championships in europe and africa ( ALONE )
Would u like the resume of the rest of the female members of the familly??? or is some light finding its way into ur brain???
the conditions u are talking about are undeniably existing in the Gulf countries...the total population of which is about 30 million people...
Do u know how many muslims are there in the world sweet heart???
the conditions u r talking about are true and present in 6 muslim countries ( i will give u that to a certain extent not totally)
but do u know how may countries call themselves muslim in the world pumpkin???
ahhhhhhh, u dont???
thought not...
Gay issues in the middle east..
couldnt agree more with yah...
In the gulf states, i think u r right to a great extent ( which i find very sad)... but this is the gulf cuture..has nothing 2 do with islam...
or would u like me 2 tell u when i started dating and how many girl friends i went thru bef geting married...
would u like me 2 classify my gf s to by continent and/or religion ??
As for polygamy, here;s the deal dear...
we truely appologise about giving our men a lawfull straighforward way of fornicating.....
like ur societies, we should certainly leave men to fornicate outside the institution of marriage ( while they are married) and call this activity " blowing off some steam" or " getting some" ...
we should certainly leave men with strong testesterone drive that they cant satisfy with their wives for whatever reason loose on the streets to lure other married women, 18 years old versions( cz when they turn 18 they are legal), reck marriages, poke some women and get them pregnant and then disapaer with no legal rights for the woman or the possible child she is carrying...
i must agree that this sounds like the better plan ( as opposed to allowing a man 2 marry more than one women in very speific circumstances that are alomost impossible to satisfy, and be bound by law to respect her and her needs and the needs of any off spring that may occur)......
brilliant arguing !!!!
For all the other guys and gals who are commenting on Gypsy...
i understand that we all feel the need to may be enlighten her, but i think u will agree with me she crossed the line more than once...
which is not even the worse part, the real worse part is that she seems 2 be harboring very negative feelings towards islam and arabs to the extent that she cant see beyond that to at least try and understand what we are trying 2 tell her...
i would like 2 suggest to all of u that should she choose to continue with her unacceptable use of language and general attitude, that we should just ignore her comments ( in this particular thread ONLY, i dont wish to make like a huge deal out of this)
The quran says, " we iza khatabahom al gaheloun, kalou salaman"
unless she redeems herself by at least taking a somewhat nutral tone, i think she would fit that verse exactlly...
what do u guys think?
I'm sorry, but since when is old-fashioned and outdated considered strong language? We are talking about a book written over a thousand years ago. It is old. And if you look at much of it, it is outdated, hence many of the problems Muslims are having adjustig with this changing world.
What problems aren't they having Han? I mean, lets disregard terrorism, honour killings and female genital mutilation for sec as being extremist, and focus on just the issues in Western countries, such as arguments over being allowed to wear niqab in driver's liscenses, inability for women to work in a bi-sexual atmosphere, the whole seperation of the sexes has turned the Middle East into the area of the world with the highest percentage of homosecuals, and blacking piglet out of a storybook! And lets not forget allowing polygamy!
Muslims make Catholics look good when it comes to looking objectively at their faith.
Old fashioned and outdate Miss gypsy are considered strong language when they are describing someone;s holly book...
its like calling jesus a whimp for saying turn the other cheeck...
it normal circumstance it isnt such an insult, but when directed towards a holly figure/book it becomes strong language..
does that answer ue question?
And u might have heard of a little concept called constructive ambiguity...
its an integral part of any respectable constitution, and allows for different interpratations for a script with the changing times...
The quran is our constitution, and it is ( in parts) contructivelly ambigious so as to allow us to change our view on certain matters ( away from core principles) with the changing time...
I have no idea who made u think u can pass judgments on Muslims and Islam..
As much as i agree with u that Old fashioned interprataions of the quran are causing adjusting problems for muslims in this changing world, i would like to beg differ on the cause of that...
The quran is not where the problem lies, its in the minds of the poeople who wish not to change the interprataions that were given 1400 years ago...
in that respect, i will agree with u 100%...
But the quran itself as a scripture allows for various view points and modernity....
As for ur intresting account on the problems facing the Muslim world...
i will not be silly and get into a ridilous debate about the " counter problems " the western society has...
and i will not ( out of fear of offending any one) delve into the kind of sacrifices christianity has had 2 make as a religion 2 adopt to this new world u r speakig off ( like allowing homosexual priests and the very intresting things that fall into that category)...
i will simply say this,
terrorism in an international phenomenon, and is not religion specific..
u may have heard of isreali prime mister yeshak Rabin assasinated by a jewsih fundamntalist...
u may have heard of the christian timothy mcvay and what he did...
u may have heard of the atlanta bombings...
u may have heard of the hightest rape and murder rates in the world being in ur North american continent...
so as much as i am sue it is satisfying 2 u to look at the world from that pedestal or hight horse u r on and look down on people else where, i hate to be the 1 to break it 2 u hun, Ur socities are so full of it too ( which doesnt please me either to keep the record straight)
i mean, its not bec ur societies are non muslim or non arab that it makes me feel happy that they are full of problems and SH**....
on the very contrary....
and the examples go on and on ( or need i bring em up one by one??)
Honor killings are silly, i ll give u that, but so are vendeta crimes ( southern italy and greece till today)
u may have heard of the american sect leader a coupld of years back who killed himself and 180 of his followers.....
Ur account of things in the middle east is grocely tainted by ur ignorance of the area hun...like i told u bef, pick up a book or something....
For example, on the niqab and working in bisexual work places...
lets see...
My mom only wore a Hijab ( head cover ) in her late 30's...was driving a car since she was in her 20's...
as we speak she is teh department head of language school in cairo and 70% of her subordinates are men...
before u start getting smart, she has been in her possition for the last 15 years, and before that she was teacher at the same school...
so all through her youth she was working there....
My sister is the personal assistant of the manager of a small company...her direct boss is male, her direct subordinates are also male....
My cousine works in a bank ( HSBC if u must know), was ranked 3 in under 18 tennis in africa and ranked 81 world wide, and she used to tour ATP championships in europe and africa ( ALONE )
Would u like the resume of the rest of the female members of the familly??? or is some light finding its way into ur brain???
the conditions u are talking about are undeniably existing in the Gulf countries...the total population of which is about 30 million people...
Do u know how many muslims are there in the world sweet heart???
the conditions u r talking about are true and present in 6 muslim countries ( i will give u that to a certain extent not totally)
but do u know how may countries call themselves muslim in the world pumpkin???
ahhhhhhh, u dont???
thought not...
Gay issues in the middle east..
couldnt agree more with yah...
In the gulf states, i think u r right to a great extent ( which i find very sad)... but this is the gulf cuture..has nothing 2 do with islam...
or would u like me 2 tell u when i started dating and how many girl friends i went thru bef geting married...
would u like me 2 classify my gf s to by continent and/or religion ??
As for polygamy, here;s the deal dear...
we truely appologise about giving our men a lawfull straighforward way of fornicating.....
like ur societies, we should certainly leave men to fornicate outside the institution of marriage ( while they are married) and call this activity " blowing off some steam" or " getting some" ...
we should certainly leave men with strong testesterone drive that they cant satisfy with their wives for whatever reason loose on the streets to lure other married women, 18 years old versions( cz when they turn 18 they are legal), reck marriages, poke some women and get them pregnant and then disapaer with no legal rights for the woman or the possible child she is carrying...
i must agree that this sounds like the better plan ( as opposed to allowing a man 2 marry more than one women in very speific circumstances that are alomost impossible to satisfy, and be bound by law to respect her and her needs and the needs of any off spring that may occur)......
brilliant arguing !!!!
For all the other guys and gals who are commenting on Gypsy...
i understand that we all feel the need to may be enlighten her, but i think u will agree with me she crossed the line more than once...
which is not even the worse part, the real worse part is that she seems 2 be harboring very negative feelings towards islam and arabs to the extent that she cant see beyond that to at least try and understand what we are trying 2 tell her...
i would like 2 suggest to all of u that should she choose to continue with her unacceptable use of language and general attitude, that we should just ignore her comments ( in this particular thread ONLY, i dont wish to make like a huge deal out of this)
The quran says, " we iza khatabahom al gaheloun, kalou salaman"
unless she redeems herself by at least taking a somewhat nutral tone, i think she would fit that verse exactlly...
what do u guys think?
I'm sorry, but since when is old-fashioned and outdated considered strong language? We are talking about a book written over a thousand years ago. It is old. And if you look at much of it, it is outdated, hence many of the problems Muslims are having adjustig with this changing world.
What problems aren't they having Han? I mean, lets disregard terrorism, honour killings and female genital mutilation for sec as being extremist, and focus on just the issues in Western countries, such as arguments over being allowed to wear niqab in driver's liscenses, inability for women to work in a bi-sexual atmosphere, the whole seperation of the sexes has turned the Middle East into the area of the world with the highest percentage of homosecuals, and blacking piglet out of a storybook! And lets not forget allowing polygamy!
Muslims make Catholics look good when it comes to looking objectively at their faith.
"missiles, warships and nuclear weapons cannot establish security. Instead they destroy what peace and security build." Anwar Sadat