Coachy, My pal, Don't take loan, you have a job,...
There is a solution very each and every situation...
Thanks ..... Sun 31.05.2020 08.44 hrs
Stan, It will resolved very soon , max 3 weeks...
All humans make mistakes ....... Nothing happened there...
Ask your colleagues for a better and free offer ..... I...
Md, Thanks for your appreciations, as always, we have...
We all have praise for Qatar .......... Wed 27.05...
Please wait and co operate .... is the answer .... for...
Leo, From your mobile call the Company HR Girls, they...
Coachy, My pal, Don't take loan, you have a job,...
There is a solution very each and every situation...
Thanks .....
...Sun 31.05.2020 08.44 hrs
Stan, It will resolved very soon , max 3 weeks...
All humans make mistakes ....... Nothing happened there...
Ask your colleagues for a better and free offer ..... I...
Md, Thanks for your appreciations, as always, we have...
We all have praise for Qatar ..........
Wed 27.05...
Please wait and co operate .... is the answer .... for...
Leo, From your mobile call the Company HR Girls, they...