where the people of the future were justifying...
Mrs Doasyouwouldbedoneby (The...
of one of The Eight Beatitudes of Jesus?
Just too funny .... Maybe the translation from...
I think lots of Gulf Arabs head that way during July,...
like you say, maybe it's an 'age' thing, because I...
hey, did you know that only last year a screening of...
in a book I'm currently reading about a future society...
I can't BREATH for the sandy dust in the air! I seem...
was to show that, although many of the 'items' were...
where the people of the future were justifying...
Mrs Doasyouwouldbedoneby (The...
of one of The Eight Beatitudes of Jesus?
Just too funny .... Maybe the translation from...
I think lots of Gulf Arabs head that way during July,...
like you say, maybe it's an 'age' thing, because I...
hey, did you know that only last year a screening of...
in a book I'm currently reading about a future society...
I can't BREATH for the sandy dust in the air! I seem...
was to show that, although many of the 'items' were...