was to show that, although many of the 'items' were probably deeply offensive to many people (Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists) no one actually got KILLED over the outrage.


Mostly the upset was thrashed out on political forums, in religious publications or by peaceful protests and criminal charges.  Even in 1925 when Pakistani Muslims were up in arms,, no one DIED because of what they considered offensive.

It is only recently that violence has occurred and in each case it has been the over zealous Islamic factor.


To be honest, I consider some of the above films/books/artworks etc far, far more offensive to other religions than any of the subjects which caused Muslims to rise up and cause deaths over the matter.


Why is this the case?  What has happened to rational thinking?  Who stirs the mobs into this violent reaction?  Why is it more prevalent these days for Muslims to behave this way when they didn't over, say, Quran on Toilet Paper or the upset over the Cartoon depicting the English Cricket Captain being honoured by Mohammad in 1925? 


I'm at a loss to understand the venom which is now displayed :(