in a book I'm currently reading about a future society ATF (After The Flood - also know to us as what the result of Global Warming may be).
The 'Elders' of the Temple in this new world society had the following view:
"Weddings were a very big deal, absolutely central to the life of the community. There was nothing upon which the Temple placed more importance than the sanctity of marriage......
Marriages were good. It threfore went without saying that the more of them a person had, the better, more holy and mor filled with love that person was.
There had of course been a time when the nation's spiritual leaders, in their weakness and ignorance, had misunderstood that which the Lord and the Love desired from the great institution of marriage. Then it had been assumed that Jesus's supportive words delivered during the wedding at Cana indicated that the ideal spiritual course was to STAY married. It was now understood that Jesus had in fact stressed the importance of GETTING married....
Jesus did not celebrate a MARRIAGE at Cana, he celebrated a WEDDING. It was the wedding that counted ..."
Apologies for the interruption, but the text of my book was becoming more real to me as this thread went on!!!
in a book I'm currently reading about a future society ATF (After The Flood - also know to us as what the result of Global Warming may be).
The 'Elders' of the Temple in this new world society had the following view:
"Weddings were a very big deal, absolutely central to the life of the community. There was nothing upon which the Temple placed more importance than the sanctity of marriage......
Marriages were good. It threfore went without saying that the more of them a person had, the better, more holy and mor filled with love that person was.
There had of course been a time when the nation's spiritual leaders, in their weakness and ignorance, had misunderstood that which the Lord and the Love desired from the great institution of marriage. Then it had been assumed that Jesus's supportive words delivered during the wedding at Cana indicated that the ideal spiritual course was to STAY married. It was now understood that Jesus had in fact stressed the importance of GETTING married....
Jesus did not celebrate a MARRIAGE at Cana, he celebrated a WEDDING. It was the wedding that counted ..."
Apologies for the interruption, but the text of my book was becoming more real to me as this thread went on!!!