with respect to your qstn "You said in Quran, marry one...
Your Qstn: Was is not the granting of Catholic to build...
Regarding ur qstn abt the Masjids in GCC
Wa alaikum salaam warahmathullahi wabarkathuhH
May allah reward you for your support and your efforts...
What do you mean by Successfull & Practical example...
Many thanks nice too nice for you kind support may...
My brother you are targeting me like hw they Facists...
Respected brother (Sulaiman) Solomon
assalamu alaikum brother solomon about seperation...
with respect to your qstn "You said in Quran, marry one...
Your Qstn: Was is not the granting of Catholic to build...
Regarding ur qstn abt the Masjids in GCC
Wa alaikum salaam warahmathullahi wabarkathuhH
May allah reward you for your support and your efforts...
What do you mean by Successfull & Practical example...
Many thanks nice too nice for you kind support may...
My brother you are targeting me like hw they Facists...
Respected brother (Sulaiman) Solomon
assalamu alaikum brother solomon
about seperation...