assalamu alaikum brother solomon
about seperation u explained, a little confusion!
first of all i have no doubt in my faith, let me explian,

What kind of religion do you follow? it sounds very oppressive to divorced couples!

Let's say for example a couple get married and are happy, have children, but maybe something happens. Maybe the husband starts drinking or become abbussive and fights with the wife alot. Isnt it her right to want to seperate from such pain?

But then what? is she supposed to be a single mother? Do you know the state of children in Europe because of broken houses?!

Islaam looks out for the woman, the child and the man!

Let me explain:

1. The divorced man is still a man, and will have desires. Islaam doesnt want immorality in the community and thus we do not allow girl friends, prostitutes, or even dirty magazines!! etc all common in the west!!

He is allowed to get married again, or he can fast and try control himself. Celebacy doesnt work and the christian priests/monks/nuns are proof for this!

2. Women: They also have desires and we know that women are the other half of men. Your bible claims women are 'under' men and we believe men are her protectors. So she shouldnt be left alone to wonder the streets when such evil is present. She is to be taken care of and protected as this is her right!

3. Children. Just as everyone deserves to have a mother and father, so do the children. If the parents cant work things out, why do the children have to suffer?

We have had many cases of divorcees marrying and their marriages being even better then other couples marriages!!

You claim we are manipulating your posts. You are saying you believe in God and that Jesus is the Lord, yet Lord doesnt mean God?

This is from your oxford Dictionary:

noun 1 a man of noble rank or high office. 2 (Lord) a title given formally to a baron, less formally to a marquess, earl, or viscount, and as a courtesy title to a younger son of a duke or marquess. 3 (the Lords) the House of Lords, or its members collectively. 4 a master or ruler. 5 (Lord) a name for God or Christ. []

If you claim you believe in God, why do you not worship God? Why worship Jesus?

Didnt God say in the bible:

6 "I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. 7 "You shall have no other gods before [Or besides] me. [Deuteronomy 5:6-7 (New International Version)]

and didnt he say:

8 "You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 9 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, [Deuteronomy 5:8-9 (New International Version)]

Amazing isnt it? How we just convinienty 'forget' this commandments?

Show me where Jesus Or God says to MARRY ONLY ONE in the bible!

Polygamy was always there, Islaam simply regualted it. The only so called monogomous people were the romans, yet they had many concubines, so in reality, they were 'married adulters' And since christianity has more or less changed its ways to make the romans (men in skirts) happy, how can you claim to be following the true teachings of Jesus? Do you know about constantine and Nicea?

Did Jesus say, WORSHIP ME? Infact, didnt he himself pray? Who did he pray to? Himself? or to God through himself?

how can u say your bible is the only one trustworthy source?. The authors are unknown (according to biblical scholars- also see the encylopeadia britannica!) and it contains contradictions and scientific errors.

We have explained that the divorce process is a lengthy one, but is allowed when things are too bad to work out. If you read about divorce, you will see that there are stages and even inbetween those stages, there are chances for the couple to get back together.

It's like running a race, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, but should we give up all the time? We work hard to win the race, but sometimes its just not ment to be...

Is it hard for you to comprehend that God has a plan?

the remaining 3 answers are coming soon insha allah, bcoz a little bit busy in office.

(Holy QUran 2:216) Perhaps you May Dislike Something Which Is Really Good for you or Like Something Bad for you, but Allah Knows(What Is Best for you) & You Do Not(know)