Respected brother (Sulaiman) Solomon

Sister fathima is my sister!
Then with respect to your qstn!
Q:If Islam is as you claim, can you give comments regarding torture and persecution of non-Muslim in Saudi? The inhuman condition of labor camps in GCC countries? The truthfulness of a religion is are you practicing the good values it teaches? Or you just pray and pray and never mind the condition of other? Where is compassion? Where is justice?

1)Who started First World war & Second World war.?
2)Why the innocent peoples of Hiroshima & Nagasaki still suffering.What mistakes they did. still the babies are there and who are going to born too physicaly or mentaly affected know.?
3)Who Colonized & Luted all other wealthy countries
4)Who Colonized India & luted all the wealth of India
5)Who Colonized Africa then Tortured & Luted all its wealth.
6)Who is Luted Iraq's Wealth
7)Who is Torturing Palestine's men,women & small babies, kids,etc.
8)More over who Tortured Jesus(peace be upon him)at that time.
9)Then the prosicution in Saudi. If a man who do anything the contry's law means he/she should suffer the Govt. punshiment.Why other countries are not giving dealth penalty.????????
10) Then the peoples suffering in GCC Camps includes muslims too. So are you saying in GCC countries on labours are safe & Peacefull. IF 1 or 3 Camp labourers are suffering means hw can u claim that whole to the Muslim community. And more over there are lot Managers or campboss or Supervisors are non-muslims know so why cant they solve this. they too taking the chance of these peoples know. I didnt feel any prblm in these GCC countries AlhamdulillaaaaaHThen do you feel any tortures in this country...??????????????????????????
11) Then plz note the main Quality of A TRUE MUSLIM. Till this time Muslims didnt abused any other religions. But is that the case of other religious peoples ?????. What all Cartoons they are making against Muslims. What all Articles and false websites they are making against muslims. Is there Any thing happned frm Muslim's side. How many Priests and Ministers of Other Religions are Embracing ISLAM. Is there any Single ISLAMIC Scholar converted to anyother religion. Till this time.
If you try to point one finger at us. all the other fingers of the whole community is against you my brother. Then in my past threads i asked some questions abt Bible & its Origin to you. But i didnt get the answers for that plz try to answer that.
Thanking you always,
ur brother Malabari

(Holy QUran 2:216) Perhaps you May Dislike Something Which Is Really Good for you or Like Something Bad for you, but Allah Knows(What Is Best for you) & You Do Not(know)