Soloman man was asking y churches are not allowing to build in GCC countries, and Masjids are builded in Vatican City and other Christain countries.....i said and i meant -->see in all these countries as you mentioned the Masjids are builing by the Muslim Citizens of that country, not from the Chruch's Fund or Govt Funds. The Citizens from that country, they are builing from their Money & their rights of buildling worship homes in their own country. If any Citizens in the GCC countries, who are Christain means means they can also build . But No Christains wat to do dear....Each and every corners of the World Muslims are there and Muslim Citizens are there who belongs to Christain Countries too. got cleared, sorry if u feel any gramatical mistakes, as it was typed very quickly.
Holy QUran 2:216) Perhaps you May Dislike Something Which Is Really Good for you or Like Something Bad for you, but Allah Knows(What Is Best for you) & You Do Not(know)
Regarding ur qstn abt the Masjids in GCC
Soloman man was asking y churches are not allowing to build in GCC countries, and Masjids are builded in Vatican City and other Christain countries.....i said and i meant -->see in all these countries as you mentioned the Masjids are builing by the Muslim Citizens of that country, not from the Chruch's Fund or Govt Funds. The Citizens from that country, they are builing from their Money & their rights of buildling worship homes in their own country. If any Citizens in the GCC countries, who are Christain means means they can also build . But No Christains wat to do dear....Each and every corners of the World Muslims are there and Muslim Citizens are there who belongs to Christain Countries too. got cleared, sorry if u feel any gramatical mistakes, as it was typed very quickly.
Holy QUran 2:216) Perhaps you May Dislike Something Which Is Really Good for you or Like Something Bad for you, but Allah Knows(What Is Best for you) & You Do Not(know)