Over sensitive ,,,, I find most jokes about the Scots...
Maybe cause for concern if there is testicular swelling...
I got mumps when I was very young , god it was horrible...
Dont try to date online , get a life !?
Carol Max,,,,,,the litlle known siter of Groucho, Harpo...
Moment ,
Lust is a fleeting momen , Love endures.
I think the root of cheating is simply that one or the...
Just googled Alexandrite,,,,its helluva expensive. Cant...
I dont like any circus that involves performing animals...
Over sensitive ,,,, I find most jokes about the Scots...
Maybe cause for concern if there is testicular swelling...
I got mumps when I was very young , god it was horrible...
Dont try to date online , get a life !?
Carol Max,,,,,,the litlle known siter of Groucho, Harpo...
Moment ,
Lust is a fleeting momen , Love endures.
I think the root of cheating is simply that one or the...
Just googled Alexandrite,,,,its helluva expensive. Cant...
I dont like any circus that involves performing animals...