A new big headache:Divorce by SMS.

In Egypt, there’s another way cell phones can give you a big headache: divorce by SMS.
Here’s the story of a Cairo woman whose husband divorced her by … text message!
She and her husband, an Egyptian army officer away on duty, had just hung up after quarreling on the phone. She ignored his return call, not wanting to continue the argument, the woman recounted in an interview this week.
The electronic chirrup of an incoming message signaled his response. "I divorce you," her husband had written. "That will teach you not to answer my calls."
Reconciliation followed, only to be broken by another quarrel, this one over the woman asking her family to mediate the couple’s problems. "I divorce you," her husband wrote in another message. "Don’t ask other people to interfere in our business."
Another reconciliation. Another argument. And another declaration of divorce from her husband, this time face to face, late last year.
Islamic law can make the act of divorce stunningly simple for men, even if the ensuing financial settlements often are not. A husband has only to declare to his wife, "Inti talaq" — "You are divorced" — three times, and mean it, to end their marriage.
The couple wants to reconcile, but it’s unclear whether they’re actually divorced:
Her husband wants her back, the woman said, but the religious scholars she consulted tell her she is divorced in the eyes of God and would be returning to him out of wedlock.
But if she refuses to return, and the courts rule the text-message declarations invalid and her marriage intact, she risks losing her claim to her young son.
With the text messages, she said, "the doors of hell have opened on my life."
By Ellen Knickmeyer
Washington Post Foreign Service
Saturday, January 19, 2008;
Carol Max....lol... :):)... uuuhhhh... you Vino made my day...
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
is Carol Max...Fran Angels....The Sixth Lenin...
what kind of men would do that ... It can't be easily done like this, just face that life is not possible anymore and go with the divorce through the right channels ...
No one like to have a divorce of course, but no one would love to stuck forever in a marriage that does not work and make both life miserable in the name of the tradition that states ... no divorce ... I don't think that the legal separation is a solution though ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
Good point Eco..
These girls will have a hell in front of them as they get married at 15 or even 13 , so no education and will have to take care of 2 or 3 children by the age of 24 or 25
Vinod,No education ? that too in kerala ? Check out the link !!
rMs .. !!
and Keralite women omg they dominate men dont they? Did you miss something? literacy rate????
every one is trying to defend their point of view and trying to find fault in others
there sort of things happen in every religion
most of the religious rules are made for men by men
There is no wonder it will give advantage to men
No one is thinking of what these poor women go through after such quick divorces
I am from Southernpart of India(Kerala) and in our villages many older men marry young girls and divorce them and re marry another young girls
These girls will have a hell in front of them as they get married at 15 or even 13 , so no education and will have to take care of 2 or 3 children by the age of 24 or 25
The so called religious leaders support these marriages saying it is written in their religion
Religion is good if it is practised properly , it is like medicine a lower dose will not work and an over dose will have side effects
Carol Max,,,,,,the litlle known siter of Groucho, Harpo , Zepo,
Good question ! Well, i dont know about that ! i will clarify and return to you insha Allah ! :)
rMs .. !!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
"If the three menses period duration passes, and the couple do not come together, then the husband and wife will be considered divorced and the woman may marry any man of her choice thereafter. If they want to re-marry after this period, a brand new ‘nikaah’, with a new ‘mehr’, two witnesses, etc. needs to be done for them to be husband and wife again; but the husband has used up one of his three divorce rights, and has only two more divorce rights left in this marriage. The divorce and re-marriage can only be done twice; and the third time the husband pronounces the divorce, then it will be considered a final divorce and the couple cannot remarry; unless the woman marries someone else and that husband divorces her or dies"
Does the above process explained is accepted by all four school of Islamic thoughts (Hanafi, Shaafy, Maalaki and Hamabali)? please confirm.
you can not even identify correctly your subject person, how can you contribute properly in this forum?
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
Carol max (the communist leader ) once told religion is a drug that take people to a euphoria
i can see that in these discussions
you cant come out of it once you are into it and you will keep defending it weather it makes logic or not
The correct way to pronounce divorce in Islam, as taught in the Holy Quran, is that a person gives 1-divorce to his wife when she is not in a state of menstrual impurity, and they ‘stay-away’ from each other for three menses periods. If before the three menses period is over, the husband and the wife decide to live together and have sexual intercourse, then the divorce is deemed cancelled and they remain as a married couple.
But if the three menses period duration passes, and the couple do not come together, then the husband and wife will be considered divorced and the woman may marry any man of her choice thereafter. If they want to re-marry after this period, a brand new ‘nikaah’, with a new ‘mehr’, two witnesses, etc. needs to be done for them to be husband and wife again; but the husband has used up one of his three divorce rights, and has only two more divorce rights left in this marriage. The divorce and re-marriage can only be done twice; and the third time the husband pronounces the divorce, then it will be considered a final divorce and the couple cannot remarry; unless the woman marries someone else and that husband divorces her or dies.
Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 2 Surah Baqarah verse 229: A divorce is only permissible twice: after that the parties should either hold together on equitable terms or separate with kindness.
rMs .. !!
ye in Islam, one need not use all the three divorce pronunciations to divorce his wife. Only one divorce pronunciation is enough to obtain divorce, and after the woman passes the ‘iddah’ or waiting period of three menses periods she is free to marry anyone she wills, and it also leaves the option for the couple if they wish to re-marry again.
rMs .. !!
there are several fatwas on divorce
thats filmy way
The absolute majority of the scholars are of the opinion that if one pronounces three divorces to one’s wife at one time, they will count as three and an absolutely irrevocable divorce will be established in the marriage. That was the ruling of even the noble companions of the Messenger of Allah (saws) of the stature of Hadrat Abdullah ibn Abbas (r.a.) and of Hadrat Abu Hurayrah (r.a.), etc.
Al-Muwatta Hadith 29.1
Yahya related from Malik that he had heard that a man said to Abdullah ibn Abbas (r.a.), "I have divorced my wife by saying I divorce you a hundred times. What do you think my situation is?" Ibn Abbas (r.a.) said to him, "She was divorced from you by three pronouncements, and by the (other) ninety-seven, you have mocked the Aayat of Allah."
Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 3292 Narrated by Mahmud ibn Labid
When Allah's Messenger (saws) was informed about a man who had divorced his wife, declaring it three times without any interval between them, he (saws) arose in anger and said, "Is a mockery being made of the Book of Allah Who is Great and Glorious, while I am amongst you?" As a result a companion got up and asked, "O Messenger of Allah (saws) shall I kill him?"
rMs .. !!
either through SMS, email, snailmail, telephone or pigeon mail
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
sms can be the first source of communication and once a person decided, he should reconfirmed and follow the detail divorce procedure later. Again it is been authorised to a husband (intention), who are matured enough to consider his decisions prior such communication.
In such cases one need to be extra cautious, as once the arrow is released from hand, this could not be taken back easily. Allah knows the BEST!
a little bit of Math..
couple of questions:
1. What result is more effective: to divorce once by saying “I divorce you” 3 times, or to divorce 3 times without saying a word?
2. If a man wants to divorce his three wives at the same time, can the words “I divorce you” be applied to all wives at once? Or he has to repeat them 9 times?
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
bring-out the "animal instinct" of their men!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
anyways its blessing for women, why to put up with men with animal instincts
I would say in cases of divorce the medium should be taken into consideration. This particular medium has too many chances of error and is particularly painful to the wife. I think the Imam's should reconsider allowing it.
if there is an intention to divorce; the husband is to just clearly communicate and convey the message to his wife (intention) is vital. Which media is been adopted is not at all important Gypsy.
PM: I approve and welcome your suggestions and recommendations to emulate Prophet (SAWS)'s sunnah in our day to day life.
Divorce with re-marriage option! Lol!!!!!!!! And Metro, if you can't take the heat, get out of this discussion! Only real people are allowed to join!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
Isn't the real question whether or not it should be allowed over SMS?
to complicate tings, nothing complicated about this religion but the wrong understanding of some who will go beyond things and explain it from their point of view only without anything supporting their views from Quran.
If you look to it Religion wise ... I don't think the other religions make it any easier ...
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
Animals ? :-S
rMs .. !!
Ramshina.. lecture to animals?
Every one wont take the pain to surf authentic relegious sites for discussion.. So its beter to lecture them through som community sites so that they atleast gain some knwledge !
rMs .. !!
Why this stuppid cokroaches are behind religion, learn about the religion (any religion), religious matter discuss with authentic sites , and Islam 4 u don't give your lecture to animals.
lol..welcome Eco
(now i am really a dead vampire: Eco is here!!)
Drac is banned !! lol !
rMs .. !!
May I join Drac?
Abu Hamour Cemetery
3rd row
grave 113
knock twice!
no garlic..no wooden spears!
thanks PM and Ramshinaushad!
I'm not gonna wait till 12.00 jus 10 more minuts for ye .. geT rEadYY !!!! :)
rMs .. !!
I never said these words are mine ! :)
rMs .. !!
Dear and beloved sister in Islam, as much as the guidance of Islam strives to maintain the sacred institution of marriage, if for any reason one is unhappy in one’s marriage, or one’s rights in marriage are being unfulfilled or usurped….both the husband and/or the wife in Islam are well within their rights in Islam to initiate a divorce proceedings in their marriage. Thus it is neither true nor accurate that a woman in Islam does not have a right to divorce her husband.
Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 2 Surah Baqarah verse 229:
229 A divorce is only permissible twice: after that the parties should either hold together on equitable terms or separate with kindness. It is not lawful for you (men) to take back any of your gifts (from your wives) except when both parties fear that they would be unable to keep the limits ordained by Allah. If ye do indeed fear that they would be unable to keep the limits ordained by Allah there is no blame on either of them if she give something for her freedom. These are the limits ordained by Allah; so do not transgress them. If any do transgress the limits ordained by Allah such persons wrong (themselves as well as others).
The only difference between a divorce initiated by a husband and a wife in Islam is that if the husband intends to divorce his wife, he has to announce his declaration of divorce, whereas the wife who seeks divorce either asks her husband to declare a divorce upon her, or if he refuses her request, she would have to initiate a divorce proceedings against her husband in a Shariah Court. But without an iota of a doubt, both parties in the marriage have a right to initiate a divorce proceeding, if they indeed wish to do so.
One may wish to inquire the wisdom behind the guidance why it is necessary for a wife when she seeks a divorce to either ask her husband to pronounce divorce upon her or to go to court, when the husband has to merely pronounce divorce when he intends to divorce his wife.
Islam has laid the complete financial burden on the shoulders of the men, and a groom is required to bear not only the complete cost of the wedding, the banquet, the clothing, the gifts, the jewelry, the travel, etc. but he has to present a substantial gift ‘mehr’ determined by the bride at the time of marriage as an absolutely obligatory condition of a marriage in Shariah.
If the wife had been given the right to obtain divorce by merely declaring it, there is a possibility of abuse whereby the wife could divorce the husband the very next moment of the ‘nikaah’, thus leaving the husband with a substantial financial loss.
Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chatper 4 Surah Nisaa verse 20:
20 But if ye (husbands) decide to take one wife in place of another even if ye had given the latter a whole treasure for ‘dower’ take not the least bit of it back: would ye take it by slander and a manifest wrong?
If the wife initiates a divorce proceedings she would be required to return the gifts and the ‘mehr’ she received from her husband; but if the husband initiates a divorce, he has absolutely no right to demand or take back anything he might have given his wife in the marriage, even it be a whole treasure!....thus if the husband opts to divorce his wife, he should be willing to bear a substantial financial loss upon himself. In this way, the rights of both the husband and the wife are adequately protected by Islam.
If one trusts, obeys, and follows the guidance and commands of Allah and His Messenger (saws), one can be assured of never ever being misled; but if one believes, obeys and follows any other guidance, other than that of Allah and His Messenger (saws), one can be assured of being led astray.
Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me alone. Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength.
rMs .. !!
hi, im still waiting for the answers to my questions: can a wife divorced a husband under islamic law? can she contest a divorce filed by the husband? is the husband obliged to support the kids? ty.
thanks for the info.
Listen to give divorce there should witness and Qazi to meet the requirement of divorce.By doing modern things it can be a Divorce.
we all should discuss the relgion in free and fair manner but within the limits, without insulting and with an intention to learn rather judging people and its community at whole.
Sometime, we may get arrogant/upset on certain point of view, without acknowledging the other persons knowledge and background; there the controversy begins.
Law about Talaq, Maintenance, Eddat and inheritance in Shariaa is very vast and comprehensive, prior discussing such topics on web, one shall have thorough knowledge.
I could only suggest that QL moderators that QL should not allow these sort of forums for discussion, which are highly sensitive in Islam. I have also noticed that some people with no understanding about the subject dropping comments.
I am not a shriaa specialist, prefers to keep quiet and just read whats going on here....May Allah blessed and lead us to right path...Ameen!
it is just a suggestion..
no threatening (it is haraam)
Secondly, please accept the fact that we are not Prophet nor messenger of Allah (choosen ones);
Lastly, as I said earlier, knowledge is the key and all the parties should agree and enter into peaceful debate rather creating warlike situation.
We are ordinary human get into our nerves whenever somebody (ignorant) passes rubbish comments.....take as suggestion or continue, it is all in QL administration's hands. Generally People judge Islam by its followers, while this is not the right way of learning.
Trust I made my point and thanks for your attention.
the three times saying it is already a rule. Of course there are other things to consider, we fully agree on that. All I am saying is divorce is allowed in Islam and it's easy to implement or reason it out.
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
but most disliked event in the eyes of Allah!
A man should think zillion times before he utters or type such letter to his wife.
May Allah lead us to the true and right path...Ameen!
EXTREMELY easy in Islam. Thank you and good pm, PM!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
being a muslim got really a lot of rules/procedures that you have to learn (and complicates things)...:/
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
the fact remains that sooner or later, it will end up in divorce!!!!!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
you're still with us!!!!!!!!!!!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
Brother, Please re chek the posts, What if the 2nd wife, out of spite or whatever, uses her husband's mobile and sends an SMS to the 1st wife saying, " I divorce you," 3 times. Will it be valid??
I was ansering her saying that itz not valid unles it comes from the husbands side and not the 2nd or 3rd wives !
TESS, am not at all tensed ! y i anser u in this way is that, it was a silly question, even kids wud reply for this (I'm not insulting u )
Sory if i hearted U !!!
rMs .. !!
just now i got the second SMS : " You're banned!"
Waiting for the third one....:(
Drac, oops or not oops! I told you, you are taliq! :)
Talaq is not just transfering of sms or emails or nythn ! It has got diff stages. It should com from the heart with a valid reason.
As u tol:,If a person got 2 wives , and as u told one send sms to other saying he divorced, obviously those couples will have a talk for the reason of divorce r8 ? Then it will b understud that the message was not send by the husband.. please use ur common sense akhee..
rMs .. !!
my account is in danger!?
Sunan of Abu-Dawood Hadith 2173 Narrated by Abdullah ibn Umar
The Prophet (saws) said: ‘Of all the lawful acts’ the most detestable to Allah is divorce.’
Sunan of Abu-Dawood Hadith 2172 Narrated by Muharib
The Prophet (saws) said: ‘Allah did not make anything lawful more abominable to Him than divorce.’
Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 4 Surah Nisaa verse 130:
But if they (the husband and the wife) disagree (and decide to divorce), Allah will provide abundance for all from His all-reaching Bounty: for Allah is He that Cares for all and is Wise.
rMs .. !!
Its a misconception that in islam divorce can be done by saying it 3 times.. Pls learn islam first before u put such claims. Divorce is not easy in islam, you need to follow different stages and maintance claims for wives/ mahr (dowry) for either party etc.. Do not follow a cultral ignorance divorce as Islamic divorce.!
rMs .. !!
Yes, Solomon, its only in Islam. You have any problem? Don't you see that feloow is repenting now and wants his wife back. Now that is not possible. Doesn't it pose more responsiblilty on man to be careful? At the same time women should also be careful not to spoil the relationship. And this is the raeson, except for a few cases rest of the muslims have healthy families and that you have to experience, you cann't judge from outside.
No hurt intended for anyone.
Yes I am muslim
Where does this article come from? see? its always like that...
all I'm trying to say that is...its a LOCAL story
Thus, by pur logic, we sould not make it a big issue and come to discuss Islam or Quran
it could be any man from any relegion who did that and it easly could create the same debate about....LAW
Not funny with regards to the threats to and uncertainty for the poor dependent wife when the basic premise (correct me if I'm wrong) is to protect the woman and family God has entrusted to him.
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
only in Islam you can divorce by saying it three times. Are you Muslim Mio?
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
islaam4u..How someone is “mocking at ur religion” by saying that husband can divorce his wife by repeating “I divorce you” three times? Isn’t that true? This particular Egyptian man decided to say it in his message, using his mobile. (By the way, very smart man, I respect people who uses all the range of nowadays technology… nothing wrong with that!). Draccy is only a messenger. Egyptian guy was a muslim, and I guess he knew what he was doing. So I cannot see where exactly was “mocking at ur religion”? and why do you want our dear Draccy to be banned?? doesn't make any sense to me...
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
islaam4u said Note:
Don’t observe followers of a Religion. Refer to Authentic Sources of that Religion
.. It is not appropriate for one to try to understand a religion by observing the followers of that religion. Most followers may themselves not be aware of the correct teachings of their religion. Thus, the best and the most appropriate method of understanding any religion is to understand the authentic sources of that religion, i.e. the sacred scriptures of that religion."
- Agreed.
/But doesn't mean I'll agree with everything you say. It depends... but I'm listening.
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
Com on guys, this has nothing to do with Islam or Quran It's an ethical issue...for me its more funny than anything else
It's always the same strategy, from a one local and unique story ''they'' take lessons about muslim and arabes...we have to be smart about this
If i put tape on everyones mouth ,how are u speaking and other speaking. As u shared ur view, i shared mine. Why dont i have the freedom of speech.. come one.. atleast i am not mocking but telling u the truth. See siss.. made me speak again in this forum. i wont reply anymore. My apologies if i hurted u. I am sorry, forgive me. And i respect u from my whole heart.
May Peace be on you.
i'm ignorant about sharia law, so please enlighten me. can the girl divorced her husband? if her husband divorced her, can she contest it? is the husband obliged to support the children?
and there HAVE been people who slam my religion on here much more than you will ever see slam Islam.
I have so many Muslim friends I can't count anymore...and I respect them and their beliefs..but making yourself the one who can come and place tape over everyone's mouth for what you take to be offensive, is wrong.
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
PM said It's not only Egypt ...
It can be done in the Gulf countries too and the so-called "scholars" say it meets the requirements of talaq."
Also in Malaysia. Yes, I am given to understand that SMS messages meet the requirements of talaq.
Caused (or causing) quite a ruckus but affects Muslims only. 2 different systems in Malaysia - syariah law in matters of family and civil law for non-muslims and other areas of law not provided for under syariah law.
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
we were such a good couple..whoops, you're female...nevermind!! lol
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Fine.. If u have no shame do as u wish.. but will u have the same spirit if some one mocks at ur religion. ur loved ones.. Why double standards.. ? When its come to Islam why ppl have double standards! And yeah i dont sawy some folks to ISlam , i already mentioned "There is no compulsion in religiom,truth stands clear out from error"2:256
I am ending my conversation here in this forum. Sincere advise seek knowledge.. I am asking no reward from you nor will anyone here will reward me. You are in this place, atleast have a look what Islam says so that atleast u can mock better!
Apologies if have hurted anyone of you.. May Peace be on you
i divorce you!I divorce you!I divorce you!
There!are we done yet?
...A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.
get a grip and be real...this is a PUBLIC forum, in which the PUBLIC can express its opinions. Not just those that you personally have. Trust me in that the powers that be are monitoring this site and could have shut it down many times if what was said offended them. Try not being so narrowminded that your eyes are on the side of your head. If you show an openness to others, perhaps you might actually sway some folks to believe in Islam, NOT look down on those like yourself for being so hateful.
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
who are you?
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for biter!” (The Bible, Isaiah 5:20).
“Fools mock at sin, but among the upright there is favor.” (The Bible, Proverbs 14:9)
For F***ks sake. I seriously can't stand people like you.
"Actions can be taken via Awqaf to ban such sites within Qatar."
Tats true if they came to know. Because u are openly residing in the country using the same host server to talk against the truth by mock and fun.
I didnt say i will ban the site. Please read properly and have a positive thinking.. life is not all to have fun and laugh on others.. A day will come when u will be taken to the dust.. think about it.. death is not the end of this life.. its a beginning of another stage of ur life..
Just imagine if ur dad has asked his servant to buy a car and the servant steals a car and comes. And some one says ur dad has asked the servant to steal the car. wont u defend ur dad .. We have defended our religion our way of life.. if u dont know about it.. Dont speak about wrong things.. atleast try to learn about it.
If you don't want to get the site banned, why this sentence:
"Actions can be taken via Awqaf to ban such sites within Qatar."
You are FORCING your opinion on others.
No one is forcing here, rather learn to respect a religion. Learn to respect the country which you are in. We are not creating threads even presenting some bad facts which other scriptures or religion contain.
"There is no compulsion in religion, truth stands clear out from error" Quran 2:256
And we are not here to shut down the site, in that case we have to shut down tons n tons of sites which do the same thing all over the globe. :)
What is the use of living a life like animals,merely drink eat wonder work money eat shelter..?? what is the purpose of life.?? did u think.. all a sudden dap dap the death will strike u..!! and then wat?? willu take all ur wealth u earn all ur loved ones u will leave behind.. No matter whether u be rich u be poor, u are king or a pauper.. u will be eaten one day by the worms and insects. Wake up n reason why the damn are we here in this world.
Verily Islam is the truth. Truth has arrived, false hood perishes.. Falsehood for its nature is bound to perish..
now the fruities come out...how is it that it only takes ONE to ruin opinions of an entire lot?
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
No QS, he's not joking. He's trying to force his opinions on us and get the site shut down. Pleasant little ****er now isn't he?
i thought, islaam4u was joking.. :o
...I know, Scarlie! :(
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Seems people here are mad. If a guy cheats they have a problem and if he divorces they have a problem too. What the hell is this? When the matter reaches divorce then who cares the mode in which it is given. Many here argued that divorce shouldn't be a problem for woman when there is no peace in the relationship.
"Followers of major religions, whether it be Hinduism, Islam or Christianity, have divided themselves and their beliefs into various sects".
islaam, how come you did forget the jewish? it's strange!
Sigh. Another brainwashed numbskull.
Discussion is not mocking.. freedom of speech is not having fun.. you enquire we are happy to convey u the knowledge..
such questions are already answered www.islam-qa.com u can search.. and if u are non muslim u can clear ur misconceptions by visiting various authentic sites or u can contact me, happy to clear it for u.
Freedom of speech is not by drawing cartoon or as RIzks says bashing on Religion.!
Do u know what is ISlam?? did u ever read the Quran??
Don’t observe followers of a Religion. Refer to Authentic Sources of that Religion
Followers of major religions, whether it be Hinduism, Islam or Christianity, have divided themselves and their beliefs into various sects.
It is not appropriate for one to try to understand a religion by observing the followers of that religion. Most followers may themselves not be aware of the correct teachings of their religion. Thus, the best and the most appropriate method of understanding any religion is to understand the authentic sources of that religion, i.e. the sacred scriptures of that religion.
I can sense the beginning of a Religion bashing here now ...:(
No just my usual frustration MD.
Islaam means that freedom of expression does not exist in Qatar, that's all, gypsy. Anything new for you?
Islaam 4u what the hell's been said that's insulting to Islam?
We are discussing if you can use SMS to perform Inti talaq, surely discussion is allowed in Islam?
Moderators to be taken care of the religion of QAtar and not allow any user especially a moderator to malinate / wronly protrait Islam. Actions can be taken via Awqaf to ban such sites within Qatar.
Pand said: Drac, finish between me and you, ANTA TALIQ!!
panda: waiting for answer from Drac....
you should know nothing works in reverse here..
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
in just a wink of an eye or flick of a finger, DIVORCE! Still, anyone surprised?
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
Draccy, does it work in Qatar? and can be the message sent by WIFE?
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Probably for the best though that they can't reconcile that easily. Doesn't seem like they have a very good relationship.
Hmmmn ... its so sad. Ppl might be having fun discussing this but the suffering upon the poor woman would be unimaginable to us with the fears of losing child, helping herself financially & most importantly facing ppl in her community who must be ready to ridicule her or ready to blame her for all the unfortunate thing.
I have noticed that men normally like to dominate women especially these arabs & sub continent areas. They use this word talak (means divorce) to put their women under psychological pressure which brings shame only n only poor women as no one is willing to marry a divorced lady or widowed. I hope this idiot always repent on his mistake & that lady gets the courage to lead her life in a noble way. May Allah help her overcome this problem.
CONFUSE ............ if you cannot convince!
plz man DO NOT MAKE FUN OF ISLAM.........
You can't teach experience...
Pm... Please don't forget that it is also what the prophet Muhammad said as well as his companions....
Johnny Boi, In fact what you have stated is a bid'ah (stating it 3 times in a row) in the deen.
When a woman is divorced she needs to be told one time. And the means of transmission are irrelevant...
Sort of like the ways one travels to hajj... You can walk, drive, fly, ride an animal, etc etc etc...
They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to see it... --George Carlin
Its dosent make any difference
there is nothing like that in lslam..
for divorce u have to say it or write it 3 times with signature..thats it
PM, that is ridiculous... By the sharee'ah a woman or the gaurdian must know she is divorced... Unfortunately in the 2 places you mentioned culture tends to trump Islamic law.
Alexa the situation you described is quite impossible except under the most strangest and unlikey of circumstances..
As it is strange that a man would not have relations with a woman he still thinks he is married to when she would think she is in her iddah.
Plus as I said.... verification....
They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to see it... --George Carlin
ya, i'd probably agree with Novita...over an SMS...and he's an army officer...dont knw how he joined the army with tht sorta balls...n e way though, only allah can judge...
If it falls within the framework of Islam, then why not!
lol Mr Paul x
I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.
here we go another muppet from bahrain ! :P
I think you have me confused with someone who gives a sh1t.
Alexa bravo..you sure make me larf girl..lol
Lol Alexa ... very funny !
You mess with the SMS, you get the divorce....
Someone could have stolen your phone! Or .. anything.
i am not a religious person and dont normally discuss things about religion. But personally I still think a man who divorce his wife with sms is a man without balls.
bbbb...bbbuuu..bbbuuutttt if , if you delete the SMS?
Novi, the way that the divorce is pronounced is irrelavent... Be it by vocal pronouncement, written letter, email or any other form of communication.
If the man communicates it and the woman (or her gaurdian) recieves it and verifies that then khalas...
They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to see it... --George Carlin
billions thanks for info, PM
Take trillions...geez
PM, i know exactly what you mean. Life move on ... xxx
Lol @ dracula ...
" I love you " - three times means...lol, I AM MARRIED?
PM ... but when the quran was wrote, there were no mobile phone, leave alone SMS.
i h8 u.
Good to see the area embracing technology..
That's gotta hurt. I reckon it beats the 'It's not you, it's me' chat anyway.
Which part of quran that said you can divorce your wife by SMS?