Actually declaring the shahadah does not mean one is a...
What an excellent idea. Especially informative for...
Actually this also goes against QL rules in starting a...
Rock I feel for you! InshAllah may Allah make it easy...
Subhana Allah
Let us look at the...
And as you can see.. I'm not one who backs down from a...
I'm not saying to turn the other cheek rock.
As a muslim I detest what is happening in palestine....
That was an interesting post Kell
Actually declaring the shahadah does not mean one is a...
What an excellent idea. Especially informative for...
Actually this also goes against QL rules in starting a...
Rock I feel for you! InshAllah may Allah make it easy...
Subhana Allah
Let us look at the...
And as you can see.. I'm not one who backs down from a...
I'm not saying to turn the other cheek rock.
...As a muslim I detest what is happening in palestine....
That was an interesting post Kell