As a muslim I detest what is happening in palestine. And I 110% agree that the action of kicking people out of their homes in order to regain land that was once lost is repulsive.


However, I also agree with gypsy's analysis of the situation. We as muslims need to use our hikmah (wisdom) during this time. And every major scholar has spoken about the palestinians laying low and first correcting themselves, their (belief) aqueedah, and (methods and principles)manhaj before making silly decisions that will affect them for the rest of their lives.


It is quite clear that the Palestinians have now lost!

 Nothing can take back what they lost save by Allahs Will. Now is the time to stop thinking solely with mental anguish and broken hearts and start using our minds so we can regain some of our dignity as muslims. Every hardship is guidance from Allah and a request to put your faith in HIM because everyone will dissappoint you in this world, including non muslims. Even your mother, father, wife, husband and children will dissappoint you but the only ONE who will never dissappoint is Allah. So correct your Aqueedah (belief), Manhaj (methodology) based upon the Quran and Sunnah and make jihaad with your heart for the sake of Allah. And not for the sake of this worldly life.


People will always try to take something away from others. Don't let it bother you.. MashAllah look at how your people have grown in piety and been humbled.  Look at some wealthy arabs and how ungrateful they have become and fail to give thanks to Allah for the wealth he has bestowed upon them. Which would you rather Be in this world? Poor, humble, needy, obedient, grateful and sincere in your love for Allah. Or wealthy, disobedient, proud, arrogant and many of the other vile characteristics that is found in the muslim world today. With every hardship comes ease my brothers and sisters!

Gypsy is using her wisdom as one who has studied political science and giving you guys good naseeha. It doesn't matter who is right or wrong but now is the time to use our wisdom in this situation!


Forgive but never forget!





Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi