

Let us look at the situation in a way that will bring more peace then what exists at the moment.


Fighting is not the answer right now! It was before! However our people have lost the war.. plain and simple.


Our people are broken and in despair and nothing can fix that save Allah. Whether you are a christain, jew or muslim.


The point I am trying to make here is that we have to look at all our options.  Fighting does not have to be done with just the sword! 


People will speak up for the palestinians when they stop the bombings. So many palestinians, syrians, lebanese, jordanians live across the world and they will make sure that the injustice is known.  We All cry when we watch the news and see the injustice.. because it hits close to our hearts.

Much like a child does not see the wisdom of his parents because our emotions envelope our senses!

Sometimes we are consumed with so much anguish and hatred that we as adults also do not SEE the wisdom and advice when another person or the Quran and Sunnah gives it!


We do what we can and leave the rest to Allah. That doesn't mean we quit easily. No it means we struggle and fight in the best way possible!


Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi