Please note that I have already reported your racist...
This shows that many atime common sense goes out of the...
We all learn something from these discussions. We might...
I think all topics should be open to discussion. The...
I have worked with both US and UK armed forces aqnd the...
With all due respect..The American troops are the bewst...
The old , I Suggested..
A successful husband...
I must admit hat I am not a supporter of "dessertion"....
Its Ok.. Now that Iraq is about to become an "American...
Please note that I have already reported your racist...
This shows that many atime common sense goes out of the...
We all learn something from these discussions. We might...
I think all topics should be open to discussion. The...
I have worked with both US and UK armed forces aqnd the...
With all due respect..The American troops are the bewst...
The old , I Suggested..
A successful husband...
I must admit hat I am not a supporter of "dessertion"....
Its Ok.. Now that Iraq is about to become an "American...