Toddlers who dislike spicy food 'racist'

Last Updated: 10:15AM BST 07/07/2008
Toddlers who turn their noses up at spicy food from overseas could be branded racists by a Government-sponsored agency.
The National Children's Bureau, which receives £12 million a year, mainly from Government funded organisations, has issued guidance to play leaders and nursery teachers advising them to be alert for racist incidents among youngsters in their care.
This could include a child of as young as three who says "yuk" in response to being served unfamiliar foreign food.
The guidance by the NCB is designed to draw attention to potentially-racist attitudes in youngsters from a young age.
It alerts playgroup leaders that even babies can not be ignored in the drive to root out prejudice as they can "recognise different people in their lives".
The 366-page guide for staff in charge of pre-school children, called Young Children and Racial Justice, warns: "Racist incidents among children in early years settings tend to be around name-calling, casual thoughtless comments and peer group relationships."
It advises nursery teachers to be on the alert for childish abuse such as: "blackie", "Pakis", "those people" or "they smell".
The guide goes on to warn that children might also "react negatively to a culinary tradition other than their own by saying 'yuk'".
Staff are told: "No racist incident should be ignored. When there is a clear racist incident, it is necessary to be specific in condemning the action."
Warning that failing to pick children up on their racist attitudes could instil prejudice, the NCB adds that if children "reveal negative attitudes, the lack of censure may indicate to the child that there is nothing unacceptable about such attitudes".
Nurseries are encouraged to report as many incidents as possible to their local council. The guide added: "Some people think that if a large number of racist incidents are reported, this will reflect badly on the institution. In fact, the opposite is the case."
have never eaten brown sauce and now it's French!
I sit here just shaking my head in amazement. No doubt this was a government funded study as well....
So I guess since my children said "yuk", at some point in time, in every country we ever lived in or visited...all three are major bigots.
I really find this pretty funny since all three of my children are very diverse socially. They all have friends from all walks of life, cultures, races, religions, etc.
My oldest still says "yuk" to broccoli I guess he is a racist aganist vegetarians. LOL
You can just take a mouthful and spit it into the nearest spitoon...
Brandylady.... I am ashamed of you... Nothing wrong with the odd vindaloo or Chicken Chow Mein..
So if the child says.. I'm sorry miss i really don't like the taste of that, please may i leave the rest?
That's ok cause he was polite about it
If a child f#ckin way man i aint eating that oops! sh!t they stink wtf are you serving me this foreign f#cking sh!t for i want milk and biscuits and a f#ckin piece of fruit b!tch
then it should be noted
Another Gem :)where have been lately. We need you more here in this period of insanity to make some sence to this present day wannabes.
you 2 can go head to head, hot curry or chilli curry, I for one will have to stay the shameful racist cos there's not a chance I could eat hot spicy food ;)
Am I the only one here who feels that Rosa Prince is a sensationalist cow? Perhaps someone should write “Yuk” on Prince’s forehead and tell her that she no longer works for a Tabloid. It is very obvious that she had decided that she’ll write rot about the NCB guidelines even before she read a word of it, gone on to read it looking for malleable phrases, found them, and convoluted them to suit her need: twisted sensationalism, The Daily Mirror style. The reality is that the NCB is trying, perhaps clumsily, to address a genuine and important issue in the British school system; the issue of bringing up young people in a multicultural society. Perhaps, some of you should speak to your second-generation “Paki” acquaintances and ask them how they feel about these measures; I bet they’d think differently based on their experiences growing up in Britain.
If it’s still not clear, here is my feeble, even farfetched, analogy in an attempt to clarify the NCB’s point:
Imagine that a six year old Indian boy called Peter Smith is the only White boy at the Ghorakpur Village Elementary School, somewhere in India. Now, picture him opening his lunch-box to reveal some Bangers and Mash laced with his mom’s love. As the smell of this British delicacy wafts through the class and sneaks into curry-munching Indian nostrils, the entire class stops what they are doing and gape into Peter’s lunch. After a moment’s silence a voice pipes out, “Yuk, he’s got Pig’s pe.nis and Poop for lunch again; no wonder he smells like a pig…” From then on, life is always going to be extremely tough for young Peter Pe.nis Eater. Perhaps, he might have a better chance at integration, if an adult intervened at the first “yuk” and guided everyone in a manner that promotes inclusion and coexistence. Of course, to do that Peter must be willing to learn to nod his head at the right places as he speaks, and the rest of his class should be adventurous enough to actually taste some of his traditional food with an open mind; it’s the NCB’s aim to equip teachers to promote this willingness and sense of adventure.
Rosa Prince’s bold, but flawed, interpretation that: “Toddlers who turn their noses up at spicy food from overseas could be branded racists by a Government-sponsored agency”, is a classic example of irresponsible and sensationalistic journalism. It is equally irresponsible of her readers to gobble up the drivel she serves without questioning its merit.
Multiculturism does work.. My parents were immigrants many many years ago..
The main problem is uncontrolled imigraion or unlimited assylum seekers / illegal immigrants being allowed in..
As economies slow and things get tighter, people look to blame and the immigrants get the blame..
but you need thicker glasses, because it started here:
RED_POPE said Rumpelstiltskin I'll bet ...
I'll bet you, is not Iraq!
Pretty soon, they are going to be washing their own butts with Petro dollars instead of bullets and bombs.
The red poo thinks that I am an Iraqi (which is an honor) and this is why he believes that he is posting to attack "my" country.
It is a post that has nothing to do with my question or with the topic.
Clear, wise A55?
I remember the saying from Star Wars :
"The more you tighten your grip on the Galaxy, the more Star Systems will slip through your fingers.
Multiculturalism and uncontrolled immigration will only lead to more prejudice. Countries and civilisations form because of laws and cultures that people of that land all want to live and abide by.
We have a clear cut case in the UK of foreign cultural invasion. It's a case of our culture, which has attracted millions over the years to come, live and be part of it, no longer good anymore.
It will cause unrest. When more and more middle classes become affected in their leafy little suburbian cul de sacs and quaint, Engish Villages become overrun with foreign cultures, will people say enough is enough. My only hope is that they will do something before it's too late TO DO ANYTHING about it. I mean by that, laws are being implemented daily and Brown has the record for the most amount of laws instituted by a PM. It may be too late as anything that looks like unrest may be quoshed before it's even thought of the way our Police state is going."
Its not just spice.. Its to do with "Unfamiliar food"..
If your little Kit is given baked beans and he says "Yuk", he is a racist bat..
Forgiveness is life...:)
Anyone who feeds young kids spicy food is asking for trouble in the nappy department!!
I wouldn't feed my child spicy food until they were a lot older, if that makes me racist then so be it.
F#cked up place the UK is....
It makes me understand the real function of getting newspapers in the morning...
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
You remembered everything posted last two weeks time in QL.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Forgiveness is life...:)
Forgiveness is life...:)
Forgiveness is life...:)
Darn. I miss those filthy widdle stoopid bats in your posts... XD
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
So now one's not only racist because of disliking another Nationality, Culture or Religion, we are also racist because we don't like spicy food?
This is what happens when you allow the left to control society. Get ready for more fascism, state control and more dictating of our fact step into 1984.
Not liking spicy food = racist?
Next those who don't like guinness will be racist too.
And I thought Nig*** was a rude ugly term. LOL
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Forgiveness is life...:)
And what have you got against "Brown Sauce"?
Definitely a racist comment here...
Next you'll tell me that you don't like Black treacle or Canadian Maple Syrup.
This shows that many atime common sense goes out of the window wen the PC brigade takes over..
Why are they letting these stupid people rule the world recently?
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
I don't like Indian food.
I don't eat salad cream, ketchup, brown sauce. I DO eat gravy.
I don't like pasta
Lock me up!
RED_POPE said Rumpelstiltskin ...
I was complimenting the Iraqi government in pushing the development of the oil fields, not to blast them out.
When are you guys are going to start working united, away from the religious and political differences for the future of Iraq?
If you keep up with your nasty attitude, is not going to get you nowhere, except the jail or the grave. Is your choice to make.
I'm sorry for your pain and agony.
You could melt those empty shells and casings and make some money out of them. Copper is a valuable commodity.
Your response was....
Rumpelstiltskin said nasty attitude for nasty poo's :-) ...
" not going to get you nowhere... Is your choice to make..."
Your LOUSY English,!
How in the world did they give you the blue passport? Haaaaaaaahahahahaha
My point is, he was making a valid point, and you couldn't defend it, so you made a personal attack.
"when someone passes a comment that you cannot seem to make a argument against, you revert to personal attacks"
Can you show me? (just out of curiosity)
thats hilarious....
Rumpilstiltskin, just curious, but it seems when someone passes a comment that you cannot seem to make a argument against, you revert to personal attacks, you really need to review your attitude, not everything is about the US.
Baka - come on. take me on this thursday. Don't you know that Chillie can be diluted in alchol. Advantage "Mafi"
mafi you havnt tried our chillie curry...want to go head to head on that lolz i will bring my chilli brigade....lolzz brandy you be the judge
I will cook you the hottest curry on earth if you want. Bakamuna has tried the milder version of it ;)
I have one child that is likley to grow up to be racist and one that won't. If any one can show me a kid that doesn't say "YUK" to a food that it is unfirmliar with or has never tried before then I'll gladly show you were pigs, fly. ;P
will always try different food but my palate won't take hot and bad :(
very bad brandy...i eat everything except soap and tar :)
the hottest curry I eat is Korma lol
Variety of cultures, variety of food. Delicacy of a particular culture would be strictly taboo for another.
Why this food racism issue? Are not there more important things in the Government's mind?
Please note that I have already reported your racist attitudes to the people concerned..They will be contacting you shortly..You may have to undertake a vindaloo to prove your innocence.
The world is full of different people, and your average human being is going to notice those differences from even a very early age ....
A jingly is different from a hamilton is different from a rag-head is different from a darkie is different from a jap is different from a rinky-dink is different from a spic is different from a wop is different from a septic is different from a honky.
For fcuk's sake stop wringing your hands in despair, get out of the Laura Ashley frock, and celebrate the fact that we are, each and every one of us, as different from each other as sugar and 5hite.
Get over it
PS: why can a darkie call another darkie "nigger" but a honky can't?
"I told the doctor I broke my leg in two places. He told me to quit going to those places". - Henny Youngman
" not going to get you nowhere... Is your choice to make..."
Your LOUSY English,!
How in the world did they give you the blue passport? Haaaaaaaahahahahaha
I was complimenting the Iraqi government in pushing the development of the oil fields, not to blast them out.
When are you guys are going to start working united, away from the religious and political differences for the future of Iraq?
If you keep up with your nasty attitude, is not going to get you nowhere, except the jail or the grave. Is your choice to make.
I'm sorry for your pain and agony.
You could melt those empty shells and casings and make some money out of them. Copper is a valuable commodity.
As Ben Franklin said:
In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria.
This shows that many atime common sense goes out of the window wen the PC brigade takes over..
When I was in Korea I said Yuk to half the food and I'm not racist! I just don't believe insects are food.
like wise!
I am also happy when those bullets, bombs, airplanes..etc fall on NY, Pentagon, WTC, Oklahoma..etc :-)
I'll bet you, is not Iraq!
Pretty soon, they are going to be washing their own butts with Petro dollars instead of bullets and bombs.
As Ben Franklin said:
In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria.
that children from a very early age should be taught to accept others whatever their ethnic background, taking things this far is quite pathetic
I have never liked hot spicy food but I am no way a racist, stupidity I say
Seriously where do you find this stuff???
As Ben Franklin said:
In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria.