Sniffer dogs to wear ‘Muslim’ bootees

Chalk one up for th Brits..Others should learn from us.This ishow to cater for other peoples' cultures...
Police sniffer dogs will have to wear bootees when searching the homes of Muslims so as not to cause offence.
Guidelines being drawn up by the Association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo) urge awareness of religious sensitivities when using dogs to search for drugs and explosives. The guidelines, to be published this year, were designed to cover mosques but have been extended to include other buildings.
Where Muslims object, officers will be obliged to use sniffer dogs only in exceptional cases. Where dogs are used, they will have to wear bootees with rubber soles. “We are trying to ensure that police forces are aware of sensitivities that people can have with the dogs to make sure they are not going against any religious or cultural element within people’s homes. It is being addressed and forces are working towards doing it,” Acpo said.
Problems faced by the use of sniffer dogs were highlighted last week when Tayside police were forced to apologise for a crime prevention poster featuring a german shepherd puppy, in response to a complaint by a Muslim councillor.
Islamic injunctions warn Muslims against contact with dogs, which are regarded as “unclean”.
Police dogs at present are issued with footwear only at scenes of explosions to prevent them injuring their paws on broken glass.
Ibrahim Mogra, one of Britain’s leading imams, said the measures were unnecessary: “In Islamic law the dog is not regarded as impure, only its saliva is. Most Islamic schools of law agree on that. If security measures require to send a dog into a house, then it has to be done. I think Acpo needs to consult better and more widely.
“I know in the Muslim community there is a hang-up against dogs, but this is cultural. Also, we know the British like dogs; we Muslims should do our bit to change our attitudes.”
John Midgley, co-founder of the Campaign Against Political Correctness, said: “The police are in effect being overly sensitive to potential criminals and not being sensitive enough to the public at large who need to be protected. These sort of things have a counter-productive effect because they cause huge friction between different communities.”
Caroline Kisko, of the Kennel Club, said: “We would not condone any attempt to make search dogs wear special clothing, which could cause them distress.”
"..who has being ban.."
"..Who disguise himself previously.."
keep it rolling, stupid poo
Who would the US be accommodating for?
Definitely is not going to be Mr. Rumpelstiltskin from Iraq, who has being ban so many times from Qatar Living.
Who disguise himself previously such as, AKA Air supply, Monkey and many other nick names.
As Ben Franklin said:
In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria.
You had me fall off my chair now, man!
Your stupidity is ABSOLUTELY hillarious!
So they gave you only the blue passport but didn't teach you how to speak like a decent human?
Calm down boy!
Don't let your perfect grammar, inhibit your brain cells from speaking your mind, I meant to said, Your Mindless thoughts.
As Ben Franklin said:
In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria.
you are so stupid...mannnn haaaa
Let me ask you this question;
Have you ever being denied or had your Visa cancelled to any other western countries?
The good thing for me, I don't need a Visa to visit Iraq, just a good old M-16 or the famous AK-47 and plenty of Ammo.
As Ben Franklin said:
In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria.
The reason for that Rumpel is because a second official language can't be decided upon. None of the other ethnic groups, as of yet, have enough of a population to warrant making another official language (unlike Qatar). Although Spanish is the unofficial second language.
Who would the US be accommodating for?
"the menu was in three languages, Chinese, English and Spanish...."
"..I understand the reason for you, not able to follow road signs.."
how can an "american like you" be so lousy in english
LOL. is that a joke or a prophecy?
I know girl that is very true, I had dinner in downtown China in N.Y. last year and the menu was in three languages, Chinese, English and Spanish....
As Ben Franklin said:
In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria.
"The only Official language in the US is English"
Because in the west they don't accomodate to varieties of people, like here :-)
Its Ok.. Now that Iraq is about to become an "American Satellite", most signs will be in Arabic and English..
Hey Red Pope! In certain parts of Montreal you can find the signs in Arabic and Chinese too!
From England to Florida, that is a long jump, To be chasing those multi language signs.
All aboard the train is leaving in 5 minutes to Montreal, Canada. They only speak French Canadian and some English!
As Ben Franklin said:
In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria.
Calm down boy!
I know you don't have enough running water to wash your Butt more often, just have faith! It will come soon to your village since your water well is empty.
Now, I understand the reason for you, not able to follow road signs, you cant read proper Arabic, Only Iraqi English.
As Ben Franklin said:
In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria.
The street signs around Disney World, Universal Studios and Sea World, and all the signs in the parks are in several languages, if I remember correctly.
you would think that youwere in Cuba!
The only Official language in the US is English. And in some parts of the Southern US, Like Texas and New Mexico you can find them in Spanish too.
Perhaps you shouldn't argue about things you don't know too much about.
the signs in....ummmm... america (for example), are in english only!
this means that the west does not accomodate for others, like here!
you should listen to your "A55 Bin Franklin":
....and get out of my water, you BACTERIA
What in the hell you know about road signs?
When the CNN camera crew is filming downtown Bagdad:
Are you the guy that is always being recorded JAY WALKING or standing in the middle of the street interfering with the traffic, while you are trying to watch every one?
As Ben Franklin said:
In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria.
DONE. If you go to the West, all the signs are in the official languages. :) And in many cases we're even super duper nice and put them in languages that aren't official, but are spoken by a large portion of the population. See how accommodating we are. :)
in the official LANGUAGES
Would you have the West put up street signs in every single language spoken by citizens Rumpel? Do you really think that's feasible? Or would you have them, like here, put them in the official language/languages.
your making alot of sense!
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
and that one we will catch later
we got for some donkeys
but others still free
"And really, is food labels the best example you could come up with?"
There are still the signs in the streets!
English is considered the universal language here and the second official language (even if not declared) this is done to deal with the HUGE numbers of expats who don't speak Arabic. In my home city, there are quite a few signs and products with Arabic writing or Chinese in areas with a large population of Arabs or Chinese. This doesn't have to be done, it's just done to make things easier.
And really, is food labels the best example you could come up with?
take for example the items you purchase from a supermarket:
how many arabic labels on these items can you find in the west? and how many english labels can you find on them, here?
Most minorities are reasonable. I don't think normal people in Britain do 'harp' on about every little thing. The councillor responsible for that silly puppy postcard story was a lone operative, by the sounds of things. But look at the damage he did.
And don't we just love a sensational news story to sell a paper?
For my Sainsbury's story, imagine:
Or, even better, for the Sun:
Wouldn't that make a wonderful story. Not remotely true, of course, but awfully sensational.
Calm down Boy! I know you need money to buy your slippers made in China.
But your in grown nails destroy your last pair of Booties.
As Ben Franklin said:
In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria.
"The West" presumably means everywhere west of Istanbul
and "here" means Doha.
Glad we're all being specific and focussed.
Agree with you 100%.
THE PC brigade have probably done more damage to the cause of race relations in my opinion.
Like yu, I also believe that minority groups need to pick and choose their battles, rather than harping on about every little thing.
No you cannot Gypsy... It is a take it or leave it situation....
Game recognizes game and you're looking kinda unfamiliar right now... -- Riley Freeman
The West has done, and is still doing a lot to accommodate Muslim immigrants, and immigrants from all walks of life, and citizens are welcome to complain as much as they want, hell, so are immigrants. No laws against complaining. They're even welcome to try and change the laws. Can you say the same for here?
Forgiveness is life...:)
That's just a plain nasty oversimplification.
Can you really not do any better than that?
If the British want to get along in harmony, they should just get quietly on with things as they always have done, enforce the law, and stop coming up with unbelievably stupid rules which please the Guardian editorial writers and look good on glossy leaflets about diversity but which drive a wench between the "right-minded" majority and a perceived "lunatic" minority.
if we all keep telling the muslims to leave the "west" when they keep complaining about the life style there, then you should be also packing and going back to your "common wealth" if you think that " unaccommodating they can be here"
Why stay in a country, suck its honey, then keep complain "how thirsty, sucking honey makes you feel"?
That Donkey is wearing shinny steel toe boots....
As Ben Franklin said:
In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria.
I don't see a problem with accommodation at all, if you are allowing Muslim immigrants into your country, then you need to be willing to accommodate them, as long as it's within the laws of your country. I don't think there's a law against dogs wearing booties, so...why not? (Besides the obvious reason that if you're bringing in a sniffer dog to begin with, do you really have time to put booties on it?)
No but for the donkey they sure got.
at the top of your story, you add your own view:
"Chalk one up for th Brits..Others should learn from us.This is how to cater for other peoples' cultures..."
Do you actually think this sort of sensitivity is a good thing? I think it causes friction between these two communities, and makes the minority sound, shall I say, foolish - as evidenced by the people on the ground who find it unnecessary and OTT. It just makes the entire Muslim community sound overly sensitive and the rest of society feel like we are being stretched.
Remember the stupidity of 'Baa Baa Black Sheep' in nursery schools in the UK being racist (it should be 'Baa Baa Rainbow sheep' instead) which was based on a nursery inspector's report and later rescinded by his bosses as being daft, yet the media grabbed it and made it into something - a myth that persists even to this day?
Do they got booties for camels and goats too?
As Ben Franklin said:
In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria.
Oh my I just read it now.. lol
oops a daisy.
ha ha ha
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
LOL BritExpat I was waiting for someone to catch that! :D
Look at the nameof the Sheikh !!!!!
ah that was a JOKEE....
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
Sorry PH, that was in response to nigelreid, it was a joke. :)
If the gap is doing this in london then it must be for a financial reason. Not to be accommadating but perhaps because it is trying to attract the millions of pounds from muslim shoppers in the cities.
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
How am I lying, Britexpat posted a thread exemplifying how accommodating the West can be, and there are two other popular threads today quoting people complaining about the way people are dressing. Hence, accommodating/unaccommodating.
its not only lie but silly words coming out of someone who from the first place is not able to recognise her creator through the world around her.
I think its not worth for any Muslim to reply to such person.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
On a flight from Bahrain to the PI the guy next to me got up and went to the bathroom...He got up in the white sheet clothes and stuff and came back in casual shorts and shirt.
I was like Hmmmmmm...Sorry I said sheets but I don't know what you call that attire...No offense...
Forgiveness is life...:)
Are you a lie detector? LOL
That's not fake!
Sainsbury DO sell halal frozen meals ;)
July 2008-London - The Gap will stop dressing it's mannequins in revealing tank tops and mini skirts in and effort to avoid offending local Muslims.
"It's obscene the ways those plastic figurines are dressed," says Abdul Awanashakmibutie, a local Muslim cleric,"it leaves nothing to the imagination. We need to sheild our children's eyes."
" accommodating we are in the West and how unaccommodating they can be here"
good idea but why dont you start a thread of your own and see what answers you get???
The more gifted writers among us could have a competition to see who can invent the most plausible yet ridiculous and fake Politically Correct news story.
Mine would start:
"Sainsbury's in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, have just inaugurated a fleet of Halal Delivery Vans for local supermarkets which have never been used to deliver bacon, following local community leaders' concerns that their normal delivery vans have been 'contaminated' by carrying the packaging of pork products."
Can anyone improve on this?
Not the point Vegas, my point is how accommodating we are in the West and how unaccommodating they can be here.
I think it is absolutely ridiculous brandy lady. What is the hangup with the english about offending anyone?
The other week a guy did not want to ask me if my son has chicken pox because he didn't want to offend me.
Muslims always focus on the silliest things because they have lost any knowledge of their religion and are so cultural.
Maryum : Umm Hasan bint Abdullah Alshabrawishi
Shirt on when I get out...
You could prob just have some light over shirt???
I bet those white sheets are cool...
I wouldn't want to be in a black one in the blazing sun though...
Woops I hijacked a booty thread...
Forgiveness is life...:)
Is someone making these stories up? Do they come from some hilarious spoof website?
Even the quoted British Muslim leader thinks it's ridiculous and unnecessary.
By the way, there was the thread a few days ago in a similar vein about the puppy postcard in Dundee. A friend of mine from Dundee tells me that the "only uproar in Dundee was from Muslims who couldn't understand what all the fuss was about."
I think something's way out of proportion here!
I think that it's ironic that in Britain we will make police dogs wear booties to accommodate expatriates, but here I get crap if I wear a tank top in 50 degree weather. hmmmm.....
originally that we do seem to bend over backwards so as not to offend other cultures, but dontya think sometimes it just gets a little out of hand???
By the way I typed the real name for female dogs but the moderators deleted it and i got told off :(
I think people sometimes forget how "accomodating" the UK is to all cultures..
whatever next!!!!
Will get my knitting needles out, pink for girls(sorry) blue for dogs, ribbons???
AWWW so cute. :D I want to see pictures.