I download all the new shows of all 3 CSI's (CSI:NY /...
or CSI series,...lol
I've met PM once and I could say she's a kind-hearted...
Darude's longest post EVER...yehhheeeyyy!!!!
and it'll be grammatically correct then...
with all the technology we have nowadays, its not a...
But I do agree that the TITLE did elicited reactions...
but you guys think it's NICE/MATURE to hit back on PM...
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I download all the new shows of all 3 CSI's (CSI:NY /...
or CSI series,...lol
I've met PM once and I could say she's a kind-hearted...
Darude's longest post EVER...yehhheeeyyy!!!!
and it'll be grammatically correct then...
with all the technology we have nowadays, its not a...
But I do agree that the TITLE did elicited reactions...
but you guys think it's NICE/MATURE to hit back on PM...
watch this and LEARN: