with all the technology we have nowadays, its not a wonder why children won't even touch a book unless it's shoved in their face.
And I'm not talking about the people/children of the Arab world but the entire world as well.
Internet, video games, PSPs and all those techy gadgets makes "children" read less and be physically active.
Don't get me wrong....I'm a MOTHER/PARENT as well and I'm deeply concerned too that my kids spend most of their free time in front of the computer, instead of reading, playing sports and interacting with other kids OUTSIDE the house. Call me OLD FASHIONED but I grew up with my nose between the book pages or playing sports or singing in the choir or doing school activities.
I work for a primary school and I see these kids couldn't care less about books or reading. But I must agree, they do love sports...
with all the technology we have nowadays, its not a wonder why children won't even touch a book unless it's shoved in their face.
And I'm not talking about the people/children of the Arab world but the entire world as well.
Internet, video games, PSPs and all those techy gadgets makes "children" read less and be physically active.
Don't get me wrong....I'm a MOTHER/PARENT as well and I'm deeply concerned too that my kids spend most of their free time in front of the computer, instead of reading, playing sports and interacting with other kids OUTSIDE the house. Call me OLD FASHIONED but I grew up with my nose between the book pages or playing sports or singing in the choir or doing school activities.
I work for a primary school and I see these kids couldn't care less about books or reading. But I must agree, they do love sports...