Why don't you deal with lengthy , personal posts via PM...
aboy, I believe, as I said, that they are very helpful...
lol flor, I am not as you very well know...but I have...
QS, concerning the luggage, I was not talking about you...
Khanan, unneccessary and stupid snipe...BUT, as you...
It;s her money, if it makes her happy, then so be it....
Why stop reporting what is actually happening? It...
I never had a bad experience with either Emirates or QA...
Tb, how are you feeling now? Have you found something...
It's quite simple, you are what you think. And if you...
Why don't you deal with lengthy , personal posts via PM...
aboy, I believe, as I said, that they are very helpful...
lol flor, I am not as you very well know...but I have...
QS, concerning the luggage, I was not talking about you...
Khanan, unneccessary and stupid snipe...BUT, as you...
It;s her money, if it makes her happy, then so be it....
Why stop reporting what is actually happening?
I never had a bad experience with either Emirates or QA...
Tb, how are you feeling now? Have you found something...
It's quite simple, you are what you think. And if you...