No words to express my thanks and gratitude to the the Indian memembers of QL for yesterday night. It was indeed a GOOD night.
A night to remember for long time. It was a typical sub-continental gathering comprising of love, chit chat, laughters, food, masala & masti and dance.It was indeed celebration of cricket which works wonder in bringing the sub-continental nations togather under one roof.
Thank you and lets have many more reasons for happy gatherings.
-Mr. & Mrs. Smoke
-Alter Dusty
Sorry if I forgot any names.
*Khattak (SCFST)- You were badly missed specially by the ladies yesterday night.
STAR of The NIGHT : lawa... I was truly amazed by his skills :)
PS : The thread contains India, Pakistan & Cricket and thus should be avoided by some QLers as they might get sick. ;)
Gee, I missed this thread! Thank you, Khanan, for starting it and more importantly, thank you all for coming and being such fun guests. And gracious losers ;p
Smoke, Khanan - you confused me with chocOholic? :( Sorry, Choco, I don'y know you, but it seems these boys missed having you there instead of me.
Okay, now I'm just going into the corner to cry :'(
Ashwin - good to see you on here! Hope you're well. Do stop by more often :)
Ashwindoke: I'm good thanks, hope you had a good weekend :-)
u r back in QL?
ooh...good to hear that,,,wara come...!oops..mnz WELCOME!!
And now I know when Snessy said shez the one with a Eye..
Ya there was a time when I had lots to share with the world... :) now I jus yap on FB and few blogs here n there :)
How u doin ????????
Ashwindoke! I remember you being on here ages ago, did you always type long posts?
2 dozens of hair ????
Are they eggs.. or hair man ??? ha ha ha ha :D
Anywayz dont think u ever had so many 2 lose in the first place :)
Ashwinpope there is a lot changes buddy !
I have lost more 2 dozens of hairs frm top of my head...:(
Isnt tat a big change ? :(
:) Yes Sir,
Rizks.. nothing changed in these 2 yrs....
u still write a lot on QL and jus show ur shinning chand ( head:p ) in fuctions and leave asap :)
Khanan bhai - I logged in coz I had promised I shall :)
Ashwindhokla good to see u back man !
Keep QL'ng..tats wat u r paid for ? :O)
Khanan....I never knew that you started this thread for sniping :(
Khanan, unneccessary and stupid snipe...BUT, as you wish :)
khalaaaaaas !! Keeeep it in your pocket ...
after long time buddy (on QL)..:)
Tinker said..."Khanan should get ready for the refund"
I assume, the Pak-India Honeymoon is over now. Let's get reloaded with our weapons & start bashing again :P
Yes it was a fun night...
and only thing I m sorry for is... Lawa could not dance as much as he would ve wished to :)
it was a great evening..
and hope to repeat the same in 2015 :p
I might throw an advance party for Pakistan Victory in 2015 ICC WC.
Painther and Happygolucky promised a refund if they retain the cup.:)
Hope everyone lives with this merriment and joy for years to come! :)
Thanks guys, I had a giggle :-)
FlyingAce,you are right "Lawa is a "Chupa Rostam".....
WHO is call you guys GAY? WE prefer the term Pathan...its very manly :P
this is dangerous..
me and you are termed as GAY and this might also endanger our ALL MALE gatherings too..
PS : new id is now required without the knowledge of Higher Authorities :)
yep FA, i did, and Lawa knowing it all.....had it all... :)
lawa is still in 'dreamland' ...!!
current breaking news : he was seen doing break dance (breaking his bed) in dreams too.....for last 2 days!!
painther, plan worked as i thought, it was to make you not enjoy as much as you wanted.... :)
FA, come on, you should've told me earlier ...i cudn't as I thought you'll come and 'spoil' my plans of capitalization..... :)
Khattak...did I read it right???? "(she'll never let me join......)";
if thats the case, we'll never see u again...SAD !!
Khattak, i head frm khanan tat u were kidnapped tat day ? :(
Why ? and how are you now ?
Painther...I am much worried rather than being happy :(
My real boss is also on QL (Read Mode) and she'll never let me join any QL gathering now :(
Last heard, lawa was in the hospital getting his bones/joints brought back to the right place...:)
i think Lawa is still in *dancing mode* in his bed !
Where is lawa??
painther, i left my place only for you, did you Capitalize on the chance or no.... ;)
Fiza_ ..
you all should have attended it too!!!
FA & Khattak were awaited by all of us (by ladies only...okkkk.... if you feel happy listening so)...
AD (Alter Dusty)....Faltu.......ROFL...... :)-
WTH, I missed this thread..........!!!
Great Time : Hosts were great, Guests were greater!!
Funny part - I met all the guests, while some hosts are still unknown to me!
yea Tinku, next time sit on Me...Errr, i mean sit with Me....:)
Khanan...loved the PS part...good one...:)
Tinku actually Khanan was sitting in the table in which u were sitting, so i thought tat some other guy with long hairs like Khanan is sitting...tatz why i missed out...:(
Tinku darlin if i stayed a lil longer then my "izzat" would have been in danger- as i saw 2 tables were filled with Pathaans.....:O)
by the way, u were lookin gorgeous in tat white bikini....:)
eh ? :(
Polka thats too bad, life without parties is like rizks without hair ;)
lol Smokey/Khanan...
Khanan i was scared to give u the bear HUG...:(
Smoke, I've always been a party animal till marriage, since then could not find the drive to convince hubby to alter his plans for us, so there I am now.
Rizks :)
You should have stayed longer..I was not in my 'Pathaniri' mode :P
Rizks you were like special guest appearance, I was telling tinker that you wont show up but i'm glad you proved me wrong..always good to see your bald head :)
Polka you are not sorry you missed it....if i recall you just didnt want to come :P
Goodly Morningz Panter log's, good to see you all had a great time together with loads of Fun and Masti.
Thanks Smokey for the gesture and the Hosts to make this event a memorable one and also thanks to our Pakistani brothers for joining In for the event.
Sorry my presence was just like a blink of an eye, but was like a DREAM....:)
Wow! great show guys,...Sorry to have missed:(, [green mode]
Yup chocOhlic was there is spirit. We felt your presence. It was chocAhlic. Sorry for the confusion.
YSJ was there too in spirit and we missed him too as I thought he wil come as the only Sri Lankan in the party.
lawa ji...his skills need to seen to be believed :)
Good morning Jungly log! Thats right i've just woken up from such peaceful sleep :P
How the hell did i miss reading this thread? Thank you all for coming as well it's always a pleasure to catch up with my friends and make new ones.
Lawa was man of the match with his dancing...all the one riyal notes i bought to throw for tinker's dancing I put it in Lawa's chedis, reports on CNN were he later went to McDonalds for ice cream.
Khanan bhai its Chocaholic and not Chocoholic :P yeah i know i was confused about the names before as well. YSJ was there? Where? The only sri lankan that was supposed to come and was not there.
Anyways great night indeed, lovely ladies and lovely ladas
PS: Tinker what do you mean you liked Mrs. KAT more? :(
Did Lawa perform his Signature Move....
Blushing :D
Alter was a shocker to me too.. w use to fight onboard and then we met :) he s a sweet buddy.
I am both ;)
exactly tinker, i'd the same thoughts a person with boxing gloves, but then i met a person down to earth.
Lol Tinker .some where expecting me with a boxing glove on in a previous meet up..LOL
Thanks Khanan and rest all... Though couldnt spend time, It was nice to see you all again. God job Smokey
and all the friend who showed up, had a great time with all of u.
Khanan will think in next party to bring Lawa on or ...?
Yeah speed Lawa brought everyone on the dance floor. No matters but his dance was Prilliant.
Lawa bro thats the spirit keep up.
Wow, looks like you all had fun...
Sorry could not make it, My best friend came from other side of the World....
Lawa is a "Chupa Rostam".....
i think i have missed some thing... :-(
dance with him ;-) and left Khanan dancing alone...
Once again thanks to our Indian friends for arranging such a wonderful party.
Best example of peace, love and UNITY!
It seems lot of fun and excitement happened out there...
I wish if i would have been in doha.....
another missed gathering. I think it's specially for the I-P-S.
in Pashto we don't have "p" :f
faltoo falls in or... category :D
Altar...Who is 'faltoo'? Lawa? His dance? or ..... ? :P
wat?????lawa ji danced ......???????
lolz lawa danced?
KHANAN...for that...!!
yeah LAWA is a star of that,,,night,,,!!
he dance very well... MASHALLAH..!
Thanks to the Hosts, specially to painther, happygolucky & tinkerbell.
PS: Khattak, someone told me, U were absent as usual, because of some familiar stuff "AKA KHAIRAT" ? :p
Yeah... Actually, I didn't want to disappoint them :P
KHATTAK, I know you were not there like me ;) were taken & are on sale for QR 25/- in National Bazaar near Arab Round About.
Did anyone take some snaps?
Sorry for not making it coz of some family commitments. I am sure you all would have great fun. Thanks to all the Indian fellows who never miss any opportunity of bringing fun, peace & harmony between the (otherwise) bitter neighbors (:P) . Great work done. Thanks again.
wow Sounds like it was a great fun....
tell us about lawa's skills........
Khanan, nice post.
Thank you for including my name on the list even though I was not there in person.
I was with you in spirit, though!
Sounds like a good time :)
"lawa's skills"... hhhmmm .. what is it? ;)
More hosts than the guests??
Sounds like fun, wish I was in Qatar to join :(
Though it was short appearance but its always to see you mate :)
Great stuff.. Well done to the hosts. a great gesture indeed..
outnumbered by them :)
lot of hosts!!! ;) happy that u all had a good time :)
wow...had fun!!!Happy for you all!
alot of fun! :)
Sounds like it was a good time!