People die from intruders breaking in to their home all...
A mutawa office was fire bombed a few weeks back, with...
Some religions are just more tolerant than others I...
Exactly - whats the purpose of the USA bombing and...
Why is science always divided into theists and atheists...
Why does it have to be one or the other?
Thanks for clarifying Brit.
When you write: "The...
By that logic people should be in love...
Strange to see people in Qatar praising Putin for this...
You know what else isn't natural? Diabetes. And obesity...
People die from intruders breaking in to their home all...
A mutawa office was fire bombed a few weeks back, with...
Some religions are just more tolerant than others I...
Exactly - whats the purpose of the USA bombing and...
Why is science always divided into theists and atheists...
Why does it have to be one or the other?
Thanks for clarifying Brit.
When you write: "The...
By that logic people should be in love...
Strange to see people in Qatar praising Putin for this...
You know what else isn't natural? Diabetes. And obesity...