Deadman in Ein-Khaled.

By MarcoNandoz-01 •
A man was found dead in his home in Ein-Khalid last Thursday after a house robbery attempt at his house.
However, it's unclear whether the man died of a heart attack, or was stabbed to death.
Source: Dohanews.co
In another crime related story, We had to call the police last Wednesday to remove a group of homeless illegals, after they took over one of our company owned Villas in Ein-Khaled.
Do you feel safe in Doha anymore?
they found the body and buried it immediately. they did not bother to look for stab wounds. that's why ^_^
UQJE : say wha?
good comment :)
and yes Marco, I still feel safe here, despite news that woman was gang rape inside her house. it can happen everywhere... at least here there's no snatchers, no pickpockets, no streets hold-ups, etc.
anywhere in the world, so it really doesn't make me feel any less secure hearing about such cases. Sure it is worrying that thieves and murderers may be at large and on the prowl for new victims, but that's why we need to always take our precautions and not be careless in regards to our well being and security from such attacks.
That said the case is scary. Again I wish to know the details of the case so it may serve as a warning to us all. Sad the man had to die the way he did and my condolences to all his loved ones.
A reminder again that low crime does not mean no crime!
i live in ain khalid , i even go for a walk at night 2 am . i also leave my car running then drop to shop .
i live here since i was born . no such a problem .
Road Rage, Rape Case and House Robbery; whats next?
Qatar is among those countries of the world which can boasts of the lowest crime rate. Such stray incidents will continue to take place wherever there are human dwellings and should not be used to tarnish the image of a very safe country.
yes despite the crazy driving, increasing crime and what not; i feel very safe here..very safe..when something will go wrong, it will..you could live a 100 years in Detroit and die on your 1st night in Doha..all about the roll of the dice
There is no rumors here, it was in Doha News http://dohanews.co/post/61189252989/conflicting-reports-ensue-after-man-dies-in-attempted
How can you report someone for merely stating what has been reported in Doha News, The Gulf Times, The Peninsula and Al Sharq.....as well as being all over Twitter and other social media sites?
Yes it is still safe.
Crimes are everywhere.
May the man rest in peace
But there is a Question
Isn't it easy to see Stabs mark?
what are you up to?!
stop this forum Immediately, or else I will report you to the concern government department, don't even try to speak about Qatar in this way, and start launching rumors!!!!
sick person.
It is unclear if the man died of Heart Attack or stabbed to death? --> really? If there are no stab wounds, it could be heart attack, right?
Anyhow, yea I still feel safe here :) I don't go out alone at night, i don't wear short shorts outside. I make sure all my doors are properly locked at night, not unless the building will collapse, yes I feel safe :) If anybody would break in to my house to kill me, maybe it is the way i should die.. Tragic.. Ouch!
People die from intruders breaking in to their home all the time around the world.
Nothing to worry about.
yes very much safer then any other countries praiseful to god to live my life here
yes indeed qatar is safer compared to any other arab countries...for now.
Yes. It is much safer than many other countries and I feel more comfortable here than many other places.
إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ
Suli: The source couldn't clarify.
yes it is safe
shehabi : The death of a house owner trying to defend his property against theft is a "very minor incident"?
This is very minor incidents, and not a threit.
Yes. Very safe.