2022 & anti-gay laws: an interesting dilemma

FIFA is to be urged by its new anti-discrimination task force to pressure World Cup hosts Qatar and Russia to relax their anti-gay laws.
"Qatar wants to host the tournament at the start of a new decade, they will want to present an internationally welcoming face and with FIFA’s help we are sure it will be possible to win over the Qataris so that they come into line with the rest of the world, including other countries in the Gulf and Middle East and change the law on homosexuality."
If it comes down to a choice which one do you want to keep, the illegality of homosexuality or the World Cup?
Bosh so using your logic it's ok for people to object to what you do. If your mother is too ugly I will ask you to remove her from the street as her face offends me
this will be not comfort for people to walk on the streets gay people they don't have any right to do what ever they want to do.
some people are habitual of misguiding the world. Instead of giving the second hand information why don't you observe the animals and birds around you. "once in a blue moon incident" can't be taken as a law. Give such theories which can be verified by common people. Copulation in animals is different from courtship, mating games and rubbing bodies.
I am a little confused by this topic. How much 'gay' stuff have you ever seen in and around football matches?
This is a football world cup people are coming to see not a gay pride festival.
Racism on the other hand, now that's a different matter.
Of course they will not, why let evidence get in the way of what they believe. Evidence is an evil western conspiracy, designed to corrupt true believers.
It's great when people base their assumptions on incorrect facts.
Here is a list of animals that display homosexual behavior. Note that the lists for mammals and birds are only abridged versions - click on the enclosed links to see the full lists.
This blows your whole argument out of the water......will you revise your thesis or deny observable facts?
You know what else isn't natural? Diabetes. And obesity. Being obese isn't natural.
And blind people aren't natural either. Even animals can see. Not like blind people, who insist on going against the natural order and choosing to be blind.
a)Human beings have learnt many skills and ways from animals which are believed behaving naturally. The animals and birds mate with their opposite sex. Even the plants and flowers cross-fertilize with opposite sex. So the natural way is heterosexuality not the homosexuality.
You're right black cat, just where a thobe and you will be allowed to hold hands and kiss on the street.
Does your passport say that you are gay? NO
Is Qatar going to ban 2 males or 2 females from booking double room? NO, NO
Even arabic culture allows 2 males to hold hands while walking on the street (sorry girls).
That's my understanding too, RP. Whereas the laws in Qatar do specifically state that homosexuality is a criminal offence.
I wonder at what point the Qatari people will realise that part of the trade off for hosting the World Cup isn't just more alcohol, and more scantily clad girls, and letting Jews enter the country. It's also the pressure that will be on them to temporarily abandon laws about homosexuality.
Correct fubar, homosexuality itself is not illegal in Qatar but gay material cannot be circulated to under 18s, i.e. school children.
What it has done is lead to more violence against LGBT.
That article is incorrect Brit. As far as I am aware, under Russian law homosexuality isn't a crime. The law was enacted to stamp out 'gay propaganda' (whatever that is).
Putin has offered to meet with gay groups and has made statements saying that the LGBT community is welcome in Russia.
Does this mean that Doha Jadeed will become a fan zone for FIFA gays???
here it seems that the FIFA is with the total freedom and total freedom without limits is known to be as chaos.
Good read ..
Just as an aside. Will "changing" the rules for a month really achieve anything ?
hmmm...so FIFA awards bids based on the 'understanding' that the participating countries are aware of the rules / laws and would abide by it. No categorical confirmation or compliance to that effect taken. And I was thinking it being such a pretigious body with so much at stake they would be having a fantastic legal team to look into all such niceties who would be absolutely thorough with their requirements and what the participating countires are offering and agreeing to.
Qatar is already safe for the LGTB crowds.
Just don’t go waving it all around in public, or try to impose it on others.
FIFA's requirements are clear.
If you are bidding, you are aware of the rules, and you are willing to change applicable laws.
Even Putin in Russia is now becoming apologetic about his country's gay laws, and is promising to make Russia safe for gay athletes.
its so immoral. shame to those who is trying to imposed these things. May God punish them...
Shouldn't FIFA in that case get a commitment to its laws from the bidding nations upfront instead of playing arm twisting and money gathering games later noting down the gaps in the bids of the participating nations. Or is their selection criteria based on larger the gaps more the opportunity to fill pockets laters.
Just like how Brazil banned the sale of alcohol in its football stadiums in 2003.
But FIFA has now forced them to pass a special World Cup law that allows the sale of alcohol in stadiums?
Let's stop the charade. If you bid for the World Cup, you know that you'll eventually be forced to implement the laws that FIFA wants.
Those who supports homosexuality is a closet queen.
Rip Cord: Why does your ever conversation revolve around religion, where as you hate it.. right?
As far as i remember, the thread was about soccer and its fans (Some homosexuals)....
To me it has started appearing as way to twist Qatar's arm to extract more and more ransom in the name of 2022 world cup. It's like getting married to an ugly woman and then abuse her everyday for being ugly. Well, you did know she was ugly before marrying her.Come on, admit it that you got married to her bank balance.
homosexuality is like having a religion.
It is fine to be one, but don't wave it around in public, or try to impose it on anyone else.
It is a freedom of choice issue.
"When Qatar agreed to host the event, they implicitly agreed to accept the open, known, public laws of FIFA, which include a ban on discrimination"....if that be so then it should be mentioned in their bid which was accepted and so instead of going around shouldn't FIFA just inform all these groups or individuals raising their concerns that it is already agreed by Qatar as per their bid. What is the necessity of the statement "..and with FIFA’s help we are sure it will be possible to win over the Qataris so that they come into line with the rest of the world, including other countries in the Gulf and Middle East and change the law on homosexuality.". Shouldn't FIFA give that surety?
Corrupt Blatter and FIFA awarded both counties the right to hold the games. The LGTB community should focus their bashing on him and the FIFA and make Blatter swallow his own pride.
I think people get very hysterical about this subject, it is not as if homosexuals will start having sex in the stadiums and the street!
They just want to be sure what they do in the privacy of their hotel room, doesn't lead to arrest.
When Qatar agreed to host the event, they implicitly agreed to accept the open, known, public laws of FIFA, which include a ban on discrimination.
Qatar has no choice but to suspend its laws against homosexuality for the period of the event.
If I may play the Devil's Advocate here..
FIFA knew the stances of both Qatar and Russia when awarding the competition, so surely this is a case of Blatter trying to gain brownie points after making the wrong decision. In this case, both Qatar and Russia should stand their ground.
The gay rights supporters should instead focus their wrath on Blatter and his cohorts.
MN...true that..:)
HGL: They were busy filling their pockets they forgot the world has eyes and ears.
As I have said before on such topics the people who voted for Qatar to hold WC2022 should first be sacked, if they are still there and banned for life from taking part in any decision making process. Are these issues new to Qatar be it weather, alcohol, gays etc etc. Inspite of all these in place they selected Qatar to host the WC. So what are they crying for now. I thought these guys must atleast be matured due to age if not as professionals but seems they are worse then KG babies.
MM is not a guest, it is the boss. Host countries are granted the privilege to host the WC and they have to pay all the expenses, while FIFA keeps all the TV money. The host also has to exempt FIFA officals from all immigration and visas requirements and wave all tax bills for the same people.
Good input by you .... for exposing their hidden agenda ...
I think FIFA being such a corrupt organization should think twice and think really hard before they start lecturing others on values, principles, or rights.
Gays are welcome to attend the games in Qatar. What the law doesn’t approve of/allow is the promoting/propagating of that life style publicly.
So unless the LGTB fans and the gay athletes are planning to hold orgy parties in the country’s streets , there should not be a problem.
Again the tournament is for sport not for promoting favorite/biased causes.
Fact is FIFA and European nations, do not want the event here!! They look for lame excuses..... Last time it was the weather, now its the anti-gay laws...... great!
My fear is that they might actually succeed in taking it away from Qatar, one way or the other..
A guest has to give regard to the host's culture & limitations ....
Where's the sportsmanship then ?
Not really unrelated, the constitution of FIFA states no discrimination on race, sex, gender, sexual orientation etc... blah, blah
So they cannot be seen to be working with a country that has oppressive laws on homosexuality.
they'r bringing out unrelated issues .... it's a kind of black mailing ....
Maybe FIFA are trying to find a way to take the WC from Qatar. I can't see Qatar agreeing to relax laws on homosexuality even though it is a major sport in Qatar. The new Emir would be facing a revolution!
it's difficult for habituals for controlling themselves even for a few days .... it seems ....
want the ground to be prepared for them ....
Why FIFA is so much interested in gay laws. Are they (the officials) belongs to that group?
are responsible in making such a decision. I trust the lawmakers of Qatar will do what they deem best for the nation. That said it will be interesting to see what becomes of this lobbying. Perhaps something on the lines of "Don't ask,don't tell" ...Wait and watch!
you give them that they will ask something else ....
As long as human rights violations are not being taken cared of, the rest of the other issues will be just secondary.
its no news if she accepts to lessen its laws against homosexuality.its very rampant already i know it will be supported.is as though the world cup is what will make Qatar the next world power.she will go to any length.
"but wait a minute...where is the world heading to? this is devilish may God destroy all promoters of homosexuality and lesbianism.where is morality?!!!!!shame on all promoters!!!
very sorry to hear this. The expats from poor countries come here to earn reasonable livelihood to support their families. Instead of improving the living standard of these helpless people the international community focuses on immoral, impolite issues. very sad!