Kasarat the term used in the US for the Desi's that...
Thanks for the info tubelight.. I have tried Doha...
Yes the little rope and the sharp long spear the guys...
Plus Mechanic only spent few years learning and then in...
Guess they have to compensate the Indains for giving up...
JM what for the food or the romantic ambient? lol
thanks for the reminder balders, went there last year...
Heero are you confused again..did you forget to take...
OK you lucky buggers that have to work on Saturdays.....
Kasarat the term used in the US for the Desi's that...
Thanks for the info tubelight.. I have tried Doha...
Yes the little rope and the sharp long spear the guys...
Plus Mechanic only spent few years learning and then in...
Guess they have to compensate the Indains for giving up...
JM what for the food or the romantic ambient? lol
...thanks for the reminder balders, went there last year...
Heero are you confused again..did you forget to take...
OK you lucky buggers that have to work on Saturdays.....