so what is the big deal here if the troops went to see...
PM well said..
It should be choice. But on the...
I guess its rights for whites..
The men in white...
Why is the author of this Thread looking for an illegal...
Chelsea sorry for what happened. what a Sad loner to do...
What about banning male customers in these stores?...
flan why wait..It is hot as a British Summer.. We folks...
dress modestly thats all I say..
Bikinis on...
Errr yucky.. BritExpat and Heero are gone bonkers.....
Contact the British Council they do English classes for...
so what is the big deal here if the troops went to see...
PM well said..
It should be choice. But on the...
I guess its rights for whites..
The men in white...
Why is the author of this Thread looking for an illegal...
Chelsea sorry for what happened. what a Sad loner to do...
What about banning male customers in these stores?...
flan why wait..It is hot as a British Summer.. We folks...
dress modestly thats all I say..
Bikinis on...
Errr yucky.. BritExpat and Heero are gone bonkers.....
Contact the British Council they do English classes for...