Working on Christmas Eve and initially, on Christmas...
Yes on QL .. but other sites ok. Not as fast as usual...
Damn! I'm procrastinating today! :0(
The queue jumpers and rude specimens I meet on the road...
Lol, journalistgirl! "most reckless drivers.. young...
Thanks, Tallg.
Initially, I was thinking about...
britexpat - your mouse was trying to tell you, "give me...
Just came across this thread ... Chanel129's post -...
britexpat, I thought you were singing to inspire your...
Working on Christmas Eve and initially, on Christmas...
Yes on QL .. but other sites ok. Not as fast as usual...
Damn! I'm procrastinating today! :0(
...The queue jumpers and rude specimens I meet on the road...
Lol, journalistgirl! "most reckless drivers.. young...
Thanks, Tallg.
Initially, I was thinking about...
britexpat - your mouse was trying to tell you, "give me...
Just came across this thread ... Chanel129's post -...
britexpat, I thought you were singing to inspire your...