How many cigarettes do you smoke daily? Let's say 30...
are welcome man, drive safely on the roads everyone and...
The Transformers was a nice movie. If I will give...
I saw that one 2 days ago on Corniche, speed limit is...
Good morning SG, how are you doing today? Well ... I...
would be really hard to tell ... we can ask Qatari to...
to let the supermarket guy have a good reason to punch...
Long term relationship can be part of the commitment,...
when you collect 100 points, just go to the near...
there were two days ago on Corniche someone who was...
How many cigarettes do you smoke daily? Let's say 30...
are welcome man, drive safely on the roads everyone and...
The Transformers was a nice movie. If I will give...
I saw that one 2 days ago on Corniche, speed limit is...
Good morning SG, how are you doing today? Well ... I...
would be really hard to tell ... we can ask Qatari to...
to let the supermarket guy have a good reason to punch...
Long term relationship can be part of the commitment,...
when you collect 100 points, just go to the near...
there were two days ago on Corniche someone who was...