How many cigarettes do you smoke daily? Let's say 30 ... Try to reduce that number day by day ... Fight that desire to smoke a cigarette whenever you feel like to. Don't think that the cigarette will make you feel better when you are sad or feeling bad, it would make you feel worse and nervous most of the time. Try to do some sports, eat some fruits whenever you feel like smoking ... Stop thinking that the cigarette would make you feel better, there is nothing like that but those ideas in your mind ... try to erase them ...

Owen suggest and mentioned something like 'Nicotine Cigarettes' [lol Owen, that movie was Meet The Parents :)] that can help in the beginning and would help in quitting. Try to live your life away from trouble and problems, think of the positive things ... attend some of those sessions about people who quit or read about their success stories online ... that would help.

One more last thing SG, you should have the well to do that and never give up. Put a plan and have something like a very good reason in your mind to stop smoking ... If your life, your health, the people around that you love and care about won't be a good reason to quit, so what else can be?

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