More speed traps

More speed traps
Web posted at: 8/20/2007 7:3:37
Source ::: The Peninsula
More speed traps: Workers installing four new-generation radars along the Doha Corniche over the weekend. The radars are likely to be fully functional within the next two days.
I saw one of these high-tech radars on the Corniche. Does anybody know how these radars work? I thought they were supposed to be advertising billboards :))
Yeah and the guy with Floppy ears is carrying a portable radar with a listening boom antenna. He forgot his Rubber Ducky in his Yak! I meant his yaht from Lego systems.
there are 3 of them on corniche road if you come near movinpeck you will one there situated. soon i think they will get one near sheraton and one near tayseer.
yeah new radars out on corniche there are 2 on each side on Corniche Road.. - Their green in colour or black a single 10 feet rectangular box (doesnt have camera protruding out like other radars in qatar)... .. speed limit is 80 but i guess u can get away with 90.
These things are really unsuspecting...
Sounds very Doctor Who
"They are a new device from the UK. Known as Time Related Advance Pursuit, or T.R.A.P. They take a reading of your speed as you approach and if you are over the posted limit they hold you in a time loop until the authorities arrive. So no one can escape !"
----> you taking the mickey there ... you watch too much Stargate SG-1
just go to the nearest Qatar Airways office , book a ticket and they will fly you to anywhere you want around the world :)
and where am i going to fly now u know 80km/h na i cant. guess i have to change routes now.
[lady/babe/girl/chick] :) I got a bad habit which is i don't check other QL members profiles. That was just a runtime error, my apologies again ...
King, you mean: you are welcome lady/babe/girl/chick etc etc
are welcome man, drive safely on the roads everyone and take care of yourselves and the other people on the streets.
Best Regards
Thanks King!
I saw that one 2 days ago on Corniche, speed limit is 80Km/h and there is another one also was fixed last week on the way to Al - Wakrah it is after the last Traffic light that you find on your way. Te speed limit there is also 80Km/h.
Best Regards
scorpio79..thanks buddy
Everybody speeds when the lanes are empty.....gotta be careful now.
Ha ha RED POPE, I was going to suggest lasers to destroy the offenders !
OK Mr. Paul alias "Spock" or "Teal" .
That most be a British Joke full of dry humor.
You have being watching SCIFI channel too long..
When a religion is good, I conceive it will support itself; and when it does not support itself, and God does not take care to support it so that its professors are obliged to call for help of the civil power, 'tis a sign, I apprehend, of its being a bad omen.
What's the speed limit on the Corniche?
does this take a snapshot of your car since i cant see anything that resembles a lens or flash light.
No it doesn't use a magnetic pulse. It uses a technology developed in the cold war. A field is created around the vehicle that slows time to a point that to someone outside the field the car appears to have stopped. But to the driver and occupants it appears they are still moving. The next generation of TRAP using quantum physics to actual teleport the car to an impound yard.
In other words no Pictures TAKEN?
What a waist of time for the cops. I doubt they send the cops chasing me.
They are too worry with other BS.
When a religion is good, I conceive it will support itself; and when it does not support itself, and God does not take care to support it so that its professors are obliged to call for help of the civil power, 'tis a sign, I apprehend, of its being a bad
I think the name is very fitting lol, however if the speed traps help to prevent more accidents and harassment on the road I think it is an improvement for Qatar even if we are not all happy about it.
They are a new device from the UK. Known as Time Related Advance Pursuit, or T.R.A.P. They take a reading of your speed as you approach and if you are over the posted limit they hold you in a time loop until the authorities arrive. So no one can escape !
Maybe we'll get Da Wolfie to run on the corniche at a speed of over 80kmph and let's see if he's flashed over the next days news... "Over-speeding Wolf caught on hi-tech radar at the Corniche ".
They look more of a speaker system. Are you sure?
When a religion is good, I conceive it will support itself; and when it does not support itself, and God does not take care to support it so that its professors are obliged to call for help of the civil power, 'tis a sign, I apprehend, of its being a bad