wow,you still done. ;-) i...
talking about help in general.but it is always harder...
:-D it is sad but can talk and talk and...
i understand exactly your in swiss is the...
true.real friends are rare and special and we must...
me too i see it as a matter of cultures.but in a good...
Beautyful! :-D And of course the Corniche....
as i told you,one exapmle is Kosovo.I have many friends...
i am not a friend of the american politic in general...
Another Point:Why the whole World cries for American...
wow,you still done.
talking about help in general.but it is always harder...
it is sad but can talk and talk and...
i understand exactly your in swiss is the...
true.real friends are rare and special and we must...
me too i see it as a matter of cultures.but in a good...
And of course the Corniche....
as i told you,one exapmle is Kosovo.I have many friends...
i am not a friend of the american politic in general...
Another Point:Why the whole World cries for American...