Fight against Terrorism or Fight to Control the World in the name of Terrorism !!!

Saddam = American Spy to destroy Iran
Osama Bin Laden or Taliban = Amircan backed Islamic Military to destroy Russia
Salman Rushdi = UK Spy to destroy Islam
Israiel = Supported by American to destroy Arab World
Ahmad Karzai/ Musharraf = Bush best friends in war againt terror
Iraq Invasion = Where are the Nuclear of Mass Destruction Weapons ?? More then 700,000 innocent civilians has been killed since Invasion.
Afghan Invasion = Where is Osama Bina Laden (if American can catch Saddam from the top secrect hidden place what about Osama) More then 200,000 people killed and more then 2000 Amreican/ UK soldiers killed
Iran Nuclear = Thread to Americans what about American Nuclear?
Pakistan Elections = What is American Interest ?
United Nation Organization = what is the Role, who controlls it?
What is TERRIORSIM, I wonder who is TERRORIST and who is supporting TERRORSIM??
Don't ask me why I am concerned ... I am concerned for my family my kids future, my firends all human being on this Peaceful Earth
I Invite those who are open minded and wish to talk on reality and truth.
Sorry to say and with all due respect, i guess you are one of the supporter of war on terror ?
This is an open forum to disucss, not to create trouble, i love Peace and i am a peacful person... I am against those who creates trouble ..
If Al Qeida was so storng to attack World Trade Centre then they could have done this again and again, it's been 7 years now have you ever heard of any such attack by Al Qeida ?
I am not supporting Al Qeida, i even don't know if Al Qeida exists or no ... it's all on Media we are watching about ?
As you said "The power of accurat observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it"
Thank god someone had the sense to promote silence here.........
I guess the point of the post was to either stir up trouble or to attempt to align the members to the "correct" view, which is Spiderman's view.
Anybody who blames others for their misfortune is such a sore loser! Take up some responsibility!! By the way are you a Qatari? If yes, whose cause are you taking up now by talking about Iran / Iraq etc? If interference in external affairs by the USA is your problem, then you are doing no better than them by trying to take sides with anyone other than Qatar / Qataries.
A fanatic is one who cannot change his mind and will not change the subject.
"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it"
If one has no answer or lacking knowledge has to Keep Silence whatelse they can do ??
Speed ... Alfred, Immi ... !! If someone try to attack you house are you going to welcome them or you will try to defend ?
Same is the sotry of Phalastine ,,, Jewish (Israel) came to Jerusalem by American support .. the land was taken by them on the Gun point ! it is their land whatever they are doing is right ... this is the Media which has been controlled by these Super Powers and the poor people (general public) is never aware of the facts !! only depending on the Meida News .. Why Americans was after Al Jazeerah News during Iraq war ?
I have seen the video on the website
... that makes some sense ! If you noticed that these videos are made by who ? their own people who knows the truth !
I think is was Abu Ghuraib Jail in Iraq !! have you all forgotten that ? where is Democracy ? Where is Weapon of Mass destructions ?
For sure they will have to pay for all this one day ! If they will get attacked we will not be surprised ....
There is no doubt that 9/11 was not the plan of Al Qeida ... by the way we never heard this "Al Qeida" name before ... v knew about Taliban fighting with Russia, Iran Iraq war, Israel Hizbollah/ Hamas war !! all these wars are influnced by who ? Have media ever showed that American and Biritsh soldier has reped more the 200,000 women and also some cased of child abuse ... I am forgetting the name of Jail in Iraq where Americans soldiers made all the prisoners nude and ask them to do oral sex, walk like dog as naked, tourching them on their sensetive parts .. same stroy was repeated in Afghanistan ??
Yes they will try to keep Silence now since the topic is based on the Truth.
Why did the buildings fall on 9/11?
Fortunately, thanks to science we don't
have to guess.
Three facts:
1. Three - not two - buildings collapsed
in NYC on 9/11
2. Previous to 9/11, no steel-framed
building in history has ever collapsed
due to fire or any other cause including
being hit by a cruise missle - except
by deliberate implosion.
3. The original eye witnesses to the event
were virtually unanimous is stating that
explosions preceded the collapses in all
three cases.
(Within a few hours of the event, their
comments were no longer broadcast on
network television.)
Then there's the science...
Michael Moore breaks his silence
on 9/11 and asks a big question:
let the ostrich hide its head under the sand!
Spiderman I somewhat agree that you are not gonna go anywhere with this topic of yours. Better move on my friend!
The only clear fact is that people are different & there is no place to meet. That is why sometimes a war maybe the only point of agreement.
Adey...............Silence is Golden.............
they also used to believe that Iraq had WMD, and that Armstrong landed on the moon. You need to watch that great movie 'Wag the Dog'!
Thought so! you succumbed to to the fantasist's propaganda, just one more nail in the coffin of your mind's grip on reality. They used to believe the world was flat, the Sun revolved around us and set in a muddy puddle once upon a time!!
Just wanted to know where you were coming from and what BS you allow yourself to swallow.
I don't go to mythical places with strange men.
-- Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.
and start accusing others of being full of hatred, right Scar & blackprince?
When you have no logic, it is normal that you start making personal attacks on people who are discussing issues so fairly
PorteAlfred ... i have seen same people if you talk on Women Islamic Dress .... they will sit all day to discuss and make fun of those women ..
I have seen them talking about GOD and make fun of other's believes ..
Now when it comes to them then TREES START FALLING WITOUT ANY SOUND
Adey .... my list will continue and will never end if we talk on Zionist ... and who control the US leadership its the Zionist ... what Christian and Muslims know about this dangerous motive ?!
thought I'd make it a threesome on this one so we are a united front...
and nope...minds are like parachutes...they only work when they are open..these guys have such closed minds they are glued shut..and love stirring up hatred and let them have their little pity/blaming party by themselves.
"why go on and stir up negative threads against others??? Don't we have enough on this already??
not as I see it hjsarwar... ...
the way this post is total and unadulterated slap in the face
but to attempt to discuss this issue with ...
people who are so closed minded is like bashing your head against a brick wall...
to create a war and all that goes with it takes TWO..rather like getting pregnant...can't point the finger at just one..."
1.People can discuss any issue that concern any nation/religion/race but should close their mouth when it comes to discussing the negative America. Such discussions are considered "spreading of hatred"
2.SHE sees it as a "slap in the face" and SHE sees that the people who think otherwise are "close minded", so everyone's opinion is not important. (you should either discuss the issue, or ignore it if it doesn't suit you. You don't go & ask people not to discuss certain issues. Even the existence of God was discussed here!)
3.Vietnam, Palestine, Iraq…etc are all to be blamed for being invaded & destroyed by Americans/Israelis. They must have invaded some American/Israeli lands where America/Israel had no option but to retaliate, because 'war is like getting pregnant…it takes two and you can't point a finger'!!! (well actually it is like rape…and you CAN point a finger)
I know...........but some will never....they are blinded by their own hatred
I know, but sometimes 'ya just wanna shake somebody till they open their eyes, ears and brains.
Yes you people can be Silence and watch the horror in the world against Peaceful Human Beings .... Cant face the reality and truth !
How could you not mention the Zionist control of everything, the Illuminati conspiracy of the UN as well as Bush/Bin Laden family connections? Am I taking the p*ss or telling the truth as you see it?
I don't go to mythical places with strange men.
-- Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.
Sorry lisa ... you are showing the otherside of the mirror ... what world is facing the difficulties is coz of American and its Allies ...
to control the world and become the Super Powers ! thas all ... how many innocent people are killed they are least bothered ..
Lisa...........silence is the ultimate weapon..........without us they have no post
Ok, I normally stay out of these threads but.....
Who has done the majority of the killing in Iraq? It is muslims killing muslims. The Shiite trying to wipe out the Sunni. What if, just what if, Al Qaeda and Iran had stayed out of it? What if, the Shites hadn't started seeking revenge on the Sunnis? What would Iraq be like?
So American lied about WMDs? Well, so did the UN, France, the UK, etc., etc. They were believed to be there. Saddam was seen as the next big threat to the US and US allies. If you think for a minute that other countries the region didn't want the US to go and take Saddam out you are delusional.
You want the US to stay out of other countries business? Fine, what if we had stayed out of the first Gulf War? Well, what would have happened then? Saddam would have taken over part of Kuwait and was going into Saudi. I know American Soliders that were in there for the first Gulf War. The Saudis ran at the first gun shot. We were asked to come there. Like it or not that is the truth.
Why is it ever time Israel and the Palestenians get even the tiniest bit close to an agreement.....boom there goes anotehr suicide bomber? Right or wrong the Israelis are there and they aren't going anywhere...get over it. While we are minding our own business should we also stop sending aid to the Palenstenians, Africa for Aids, Pakistan etc.,etc.,etc. Billions of dollars are sent out in aid every year from the US.
I also know some soldiers who are in Iraq. It saddens them that the good news from there is never reported. They are helping to open schools, trying to rebuild infrastructure, hospitals, homes, but no lets just report the negative.
I could go on and on but I will stop now...because I know nothing I say will make a difference. You are more then entitled to your opinon. However, try to get your news and information from different sources. Don't just listen to one side who probably has an agenda.
Prince .. where this concept of Terrorist or War against Terrorist came from ??? where were these terrorist 10 years before /?? we have seen political wars, religion wars but this is something different ?
It's easy to discuss with open minded people but Closed minded people are difficult to talk since they lack knowledge of the subject...
If a tree falls in the forest and there's no one to listen (or respond), does it make a sound??? NOPE!!!
Same here..silence is golden..and it will just pass like all posts, into the history of QL...
Pls read the history of Jewish and then comments... I mentioned i would love to discuss with People who talks on reality not the stories
SG............dont argue with them.............its useless and all you will do is make them happpy............IGNORE THEM
as i told you,one exapmle is Kosovo.I have many friends living there and they are happy about the American support.
*Create your own destiny,fighting against your dark sides,raise your
spirituality.Every day is a new day.A new life.
Keep the faith!*
Swiss ... give me single example who cries for American Help ?? other then American controlled countries ;-)
in ur view states is basically a UN ...what a thought is the habit of states to interfare in the interior matters of the world......ok tell me whats happen in Iraq,who had rush to US for whats up in Afghanistan who have rushed to US....finally what is going to be in Iran u will also say that Israel rush to US to save him from IRAN
i am not a friend of the american politic in general but we cant close our eyes bevore the truth.And Fact is Fact.
*Create your own destiny,fighting against your dark sides,raise your
spirituality.Every day is a new day.A new life.
Keep the faith!*
Let me clear you one thing here ... we have no issues with American people/ citizens ... i have very nice family friends from USA , i am sure you are one of nice American too ;-)
Its all about the Country Leaders, politicians ...
its a slap in the face...and as far as not facing reality..I am facing reality...I beleive its you that has the blinders on...
Now having said that..I have better things to do than sit and attempt to make logical statements with people who can't think for themselves but spout propaganda and hatred...
Peace to the open minded, and open hearted, be they of whatever religion or nationality...
Another Point:Why the whole World cries for American help when they are in troubles?I remember the war in Kosovo.Without the American help the Situation there would still be worth and the American Troops and KFOR is securing the Peace there now.
*Create your own destiny,fighting against your dark sides,raise your
spirituality.Every day is a new day.A new life.
Keep the faith!*
Spiderman..........go read your history books started when the cruisaders went to the holy land to take back Jerusalem..its been going on ever since then with small interuptions here and there......and be damn careful when you talk about who is killing who in Iraq....come back and joined the rest of the us when you have grown up and understand something about life and of course you have found yours ear, your eyes and your are the pest in this world, you are the spreader of hatred..........the reason why normal people cannot sit together and discuss the problems........thats not in your interest......unless of course you can spread your own words of hatred.
I dont think I or anybody else will further get involved in this thread.............EVERYBODY OF ANY SENSE AVOID ANSWERING HERE
but I can tell you are never going to see that, so why bother trying to change your mind..its much easier for you to say..."We didn't do anything.." than to listen or perhaps, just perhaps, logic might enter into your thoughts..
WHAT???? Yes, on our currency it does say we trust in God...and we never claimed to be more powerful than Him...SEE WHAT I MEAN?? geezzz...
We never created the hated between muslims and non muslims..that's been around since the Crusades....America wasn't even on the map yet...
And as far as the Iraqis that have been killed...there's been Americans killed also...but took TWO countries to create the war, not just one..Iraq is not blameless..
You asked why Americans interfere in world matters...sometimes its because other countries ASK us for help..sometimes not..we can get dragged into it also as in WWII when someone attacks us. Are we we aren't the devil either..and its time other people stop believing that or no one will EVER get along..
My post is very clear ,,, i don't think anyone can misread it !
Who are the people ? why they have spread it ? what is their motive ?
plz note only those are considered to be close minded who dont face the reality
No they are not blameless ... everyone has its own way of living in their line of borders .... why do Americans always interfere in the world matter ! who is created this hatered today in this world amoung Mulsim and Non Mulsims ... who is the responsible of 700,000 only Iraqi killed by American invasion ? forget the rest of the world !
My point of view is why American wanted to Rule the World ? They think they will succeed ? Are they powerful then GOD ? they on American currency you can see WE TRUST IN GOD ?
who said that all countries are blameless....every one have some faults but the main culprit is none the other one but states
people who are so closed minded is like bashing your head against a brick wall...
And I DO face reality...and the reality is that to create a war and all that goes with it takes TWO..rather like getting pregnant...can't point the finger at just one...
i dont know why u people dont face the reality....let it be discussed so every one come to know who is the backbone of this hatred in the world
or have I misread your post?
you want to believe...yours? mine? propaganda??? We can take whatever we want to and bend things to fit what we really WANT to hear...its called selective hearing/seeing/beliefs...
I am never afraid of the truth...
and yes, right is right and THIS is wrong...dead wrong
we have learnt from our mistakes and thats why we are pointing states the big man behind all these disturbance in the world and why u r not accepting it ,it is an open history for everyone who have any humbleness for mankind
I have invited Positive thinker to discuss ... we must listen to everyones point of view and discuss in a Peaceful manner
good grief...its all a plot...
what enough is enough ? are you scared to tell the truth ?
Is not the question of spreading hatred in this thread. We need to know the truth
Right is Right and wrong is wrong !!
hjsarwar........good idea but it NEVER stays that way long........and if you want to discuss that then dont post such provocative will start a fight because of the posts contents.....its programmed before we start.
the way this post is total and unadulterated slap in the face...why can't countries and religions ALL take part of the blame instead of pointing the finger at someone else and saying "ohh its because THEY made us..." Put your big boy knickers on and work with the rest of the world to make peace happen...and that means working WITH others, not placing blame. No one is blameless..and we all have issues that weren't the best to do at the time..but hindsight is always 20/20 and we should learn from our mistakes..not create MORE of them
yup there is no doubt in it ....even what is happening now in the world and especially in Pakistan is merely a policy of states to capture it and make a blog in order to destroy Russia first and then China
Spider, sorry but Scarletts right, have nothing against a bit of tongue in cheek humour or a serious discussion but all this will start is the "who hates america" and "who doesnt" posts..........and we really had enough of those and we know who is who on QL
we are not spreading hatered rather discussing the source behind the hatred in order to put it out from our lives...
Nothing hidden from the world what i mentioned above, such as there was a time when Saddam was a fav man for USA, US wanted to destroy Iran and supported Iraq with Weapon of Mass Destruction, they supported Taliban with Armed vehicles, training camps, to destroy Russia .... Now Iraq and Afghanistan are paying for the Friendship !! Same is going to happen with Pakistan now
Muslims are not weak in material facts i.e tecnology etc rather they are weak in their morality.they have forgotten their wonderfull history compiled with success and honour.
if you bend the truth as far as it can go...why go on and stir up negative threads against others??? Don't we have enough on this already?? And YES, I have worries about my sons and family also..
If we could all be a LOT more positive and STOP spreading hatred towards each other, PERHAPS there might be a better chance of getting along...come on Spidey, enough is enough...
u bet ... it's coz Muslims were weak and it's easy to target them due to lots of weakness !!!
Spidey .... very good thought !! One should be concern about what going on around us. I also agree that this fight is not for Terrorism it's to take control of the world what they call 'SUPER POWER" ... Is anything in the world is Powerful more then Allah (GOD) ???
there is no doubt in it that states wants to capture the world and became quite sucessfull in its mission.....but the question is why it start their mission from muslim countries...simple answer to this is the lack of unity between muslim countries.Arabs which are the backbone of Islam have gone into the depth of immoral activities which havent allow them to think about their future....