Don't Help your people

I am not giving advice to the QL members by above topic, but really in my mind question!! " why You are always getting headache & troubles when you help your relative or your people to come Qatar? "
I know many cases like mien happened with other friends & I am really deeply tired & sad ... asking my self .. is the natural now to keep away of your people or relative & not helping them.... & why, as a humans we must cut the hand laid to help us .... why this new generation doesn’t feel thankful or appreciating to person move up him to have totally new good life....
my starting here was like cutting stone by your Niles... no body help me... no body smile to me... but even that i tried to help & support... & what is the result .... family troubles, too much headache... losing money.... & no even one thanks..
So, tell me ... shall we go through this & swear to stop being human like God want us... "Help each other" … tell me
What is this "S.......T" looool :-P
I have done enough already. evrytime they are in trouble here im cleaning their S.......T! enough is enough and no more mr. nice guy. they will use you and abuse you until the last drop of your blood. you have to learn to say NO, I have learn my lesson already.
"waiting is an art, timing is everyting"
So, if again other ask you for help will you do again.... this is the challenge of my self I am facing.
I thought when I bring my relative, I will have the family I lost away of my country but indeed.. I have the enemies now.
I know what you mean... the problem is when you give something free without they spending any money of their own to get here, and get a job thrown on their lap they dont know the value .....
I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a friend while I'm here
Than a whole truck load when I'm gone
I'm with you man, i have helped a lot of friends and relatives to come and work here as easy as possible. no interviews no screening and etc. etc. and land a job instantly. but all i got from them is envy and jealousy.
"waiting is an art, timing is everyting"
Help, you will be helped.
Someday somewhere
In that case, if I do marry one of ur sons...with both of our families combined, we'll be kicked out of all the countries and given a small island in the middle of nowhere so we wouldn't disturb anyone hahaha.
Have a goodnight! I'm off to study...woohoo!
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield
old lady know...where's my rocking chair??
that's why I like you so much...and I'm always confident...I got two great sons...who love to try and embarrass mom all the time...We'd probably all get thrown out of a restaurant as a whole family tho...disturbing the peace..
Oh I love ur confidence! hahaha...not "IF u marry one of my sons"..."WHEN u marry one of my sons"...LOL
Careful though I can be quite embarrassing in public, I can do the craziest things and not give a damn! :D
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield
when you marry one of my sons you will fit into my family quite nicely...(notice I slipped that in quite easily...)
Nope, that's just how my family is! lol...ah I love 'em!
Actually now, instead of my mom embarrassing me...I embarrass her! hahaha
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield
you been spying on us??
Family can be annoying, loud, embarrassing, troublesome, etc but life without family isn't worth living.
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield
and not what i meant by unsatisfied...I meant with yourself..not achievements...achievements aren't what life is about...
no one is a saint..we are human...plain and simple and Destiny is what you make of might be your destiny to walk across the street safely on a certain day..or you might be the next leader of a country...your destiny is in your own charge of it...letting it wallow and rot is a waste of a good life.
now...go be whatever you are..but just don't spread negativity, please..and remember..there are people out there who believe in who you are...even if you don't know us...peace, knox...
If we are all satisfied with our achievements in life and we do not desire more than why shouldn't we become saints as all our desires have been fulfilled. Desires, wishes, ambitions, greed, never stop. Destiny never comes.
We fool ourselves by telling us every day that we are working for the betterment of soceity. Infact we are working to make ourselves well off. Every step that we take is for our own benefit. And when we achieve one goal we move on to the next goal.
All great thinkers and writers were lonely. I never was and never will be one of them.
You just worry have so much to offer but refuse to share of are way too young to have such a jaded view of life in general..much less people. We can learn something from anyone..even babies...or people with mental challenges...physical fact, sometimes those are the ones that can teach us the most...IF you let yourself see and feel. Take the Muslim teaching to heart..I wish I knew more about it, but from the Muslims I know personally, the ones that follow are some of the nicest people ever...same with Christians who follow the teachings...
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you...
words to live by
you do have a very clear vision that I have to admit.
You remind me of a philosophy student who was in his p.hd and he wanted me to convert and I wanted him to become a muslim.
We both failed. though in the process mamy people became our followers.
as easily...and an old farm truck...that's what you don't be honest still don't know what my background was, knox...I grew up with hardly anything...and had to work for are doing just what adco said his family does...keep talking about more and more...but stuff isn't what makes one happy..its how they feel about themselves inside..and what i see from your posts is a very unhappy unsatisfied young man...tell you what, I'll give up on you but only if you stop giving such bad advice to people about sabotaging people because you are mad at stop helping others...and in general..just being flat out selfish.
I will be satisfied with nothing that I have (grammar doesnt seem right)
and you will still not be content with your BMWS and mansions.
and helping others makes me happy..
You might as well give in...I'm going to hound you until you get more positive....hehehe..
so your life is ruled by desires, wishes and earthly posession and you will always be a slave of your desires.
Good Luck I will enjoy my freedom
we spend our entire lives chasing something that most of the time we never get.
So why not live freely
Why not get out of the MATRIX
Ohh fiddledeedee.....
no man is an island...
island with palm trees and animals. No worries, Catch fish and eat, Drink rain water
Thats why I didnt start a family and have no intentions.
Family = problems + worries =====> grey hair
No ambitions, live your life freely as the desire wont be able to dictate you.
Never make any earthly desire your ambition as your life would always be greared towards that desire. and you will never be able to get out of it.
good night all ... & thanks
you need something like that tale of Scrooge where the ghost of Christmas past and Christmas future comes and shows you what happens when you keep doing what you are doing...wake up before its too late..
in that appease yourself...know you've done everything possible..still let mom know what you are going to do..and then do it...and don't look back..look forward..Tell mom that you know she loves you both but that by criticizing you, it makes you feel less of a son to her...that your brother needs to grow up and work for himself.
and yeah..she IS going to get mad at you..but hey, she's already not happy with you, right?
like me
no wife, no nagging
no girl friend, no headaches
no children, no problems
no friends, no help seekers
no future planning as there aint any
Easy, simple and fast. Life on the highway. (Dont forget to get high on the way)
I did, but mother only believe her sun & think he is the only angel in devil world & i am the king of the devils .. see how much i am lucky
like that?? tough love goes in all tell your direct family what is actually going on and then don't let it get to you like it long as you have done all you can for your relatives..then just bear with will get better..tell you one thing tho...the best way to get around it...tell your family back home what you are GOING to do for your relatives BEFORE you do it...that way when your relatives here tell a different story, you will have already done the truth.
true.i dont think they like to share the room with rats and no tv or frigo?hmmm.if they see where you stand now they wont believe that.
they see only the moment,not the past.
*Create your own destiny,fighting against your dark sides,raise your
spirituality.Every day is a new day.A new life.
Keep the faith!*
you are reading my live book now.. :)
Dude you have just opened a pandora box of your relatives coming to Qatar. Now everyone would want to come here and if you dont HELP them they will think that you didnt want to help them
What i need to explain to you here in this page.. if I put one SMS came to me from one of them .. I will be band from this website...
no needs to be kidding.
of course i know everything is ok.
*Create your own destiny,fighting against your dark sides,raise your
spirituality.Every day is a new day.A new life.
Keep the faith!*
I think they can not feel it if they didn't face it, & i am sure if they had this experiance they will never say... "HELP them"
"wow,you still done" ....
---> Where do u think i am? *confused*
and the best help he can offer his relatives now is enough love to make them take care of themselves. Support them, emotionally, help them scan the papers for jobs..but they have to make it on their own...back home its called tough love. You are there for them...but not an enabler...right now, if you keep giving them money, you are enabling them to become dependent upon you..thus crippling them. Be there to listen...but not to be a bank...and yes, it will be extremely difficult especially with your other family telling you you are the long run they will eventually thank you when they grow up emotionally. Help comes in many different, emotional,'ve done the financial and its time for the emotional birds have got to learn to can't fly for them.
wow,you still done.
i know from my own experience how hard it can be.
i tried to give my best but in some eyes it was not good enough.
but thx god thats the past.
*Create your own destiny,fighting against your dark sides,raise your
spirituality.Every day is a new day.A new life.
Keep the faith!*
I started here as employee in Dokhan, with 10 yrs experience I got 5500 Salary.... our camp was in Zakreet .. my partners in the bed the Rats.. many time I wake up morning & bloody scratch on my face... in the site .. the dust was my breathing ... I didn't complain ... I knew that always the future should be better... & Thank god.. I got it
Later, I helped my 2 relatives to come Qatar .... they didn't feel tired walk searching for a job... I provided to them .... their room contains a TV .. new bed ... fridge ... & totally clean ...
I was so bad with them .... they said to their family ... coz ... they were staying two in one room .. this one of many bad things they created about me ... so ... say to me again "don't stop help"
I will not be alone when I am old, AND i will know with a firm knowledge that I NEVER took anything that wasn't mine either...and helped others along the way.
so what would you suggest then ??? :D
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day
Teach a man to fish and he will sit in your boat and drink beer all day while fishing..
sorry, trying to lighten up the mood here..
when family comes into equation ... it will never enough. Beem there, done that ... got the t-shirt. :D
talking about help in general.but it is always harder to satisfy the family then a stranger.
*Create your own destiny,fighting against your dark sides,raise your
spirituality.Every day is a new day.A new life.
Keep the faith!*
You should put your foot down. Your relatives might think since you work and living in the middle east, you just printing money in your backyard. You can help them now and again ... but make sure they not depending on you for their living.
Your cases is not uncommon, some people think we living as an expat/s are bottomless money pit.
"If everyone had the dont help mentality this world would be a very miserable place" Nice one
I believe if everyone didnt help their relatives, friends and acquaintances this world would be a VERY FAIR place
And Scarlett I might be alone but I would be content with myself that I didnt take anything that was not mine.
Who needs friends when you have loyal enemies
(Stay Safe and stay out of the way) if you're own flesh and blood cant rely on you then a bunch of strangers can?? :S
it is sad but can talk and talk and explain and explain but they only see the material part.but money dont lays on the streets,you must work hard for it and it is also a hard way to make friends in the new is all a matter of time and sometimes it needs a long time.they cant come and live your life and get all you got.if they will work hard for it and they are willing to start with few it will work.
*Create your own destiny,fighting against your dark sides,raise your
spirituality.Every day is a new day.A new life.
Keep the faith!*
Help any nationality.... but not yours especially your relative ... thats what I tried to explain
So you feel my feeling dear...
That's the exact saying my professor was telling me today! :D
If everyone had the "don't help anyone" mentality then the world would be a very miserable place. Imagine where we would be if noone helped another, humans are an interdependent species, we can't thrive or progress on our own, we need eachother. That's the bottom line. So help whenever u can without expecting anything in return, and one day when u really need the help u'll find someone there for u.
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield
i understand exactly your in swiss is the same.if someone take a family member or relative here or help him to come here then the new arrival sees only the money,house,car and other material stuff and he will have exactly the same or more the same day.makes a lot of problems.sad but true.they must realize that it is a lot of work behind it.
*Create your own destiny,fighting against your dark sides,raise your
spirituality.Every day is a new day.A new life.
Keep the faith!*
I think now this saying should be:
Give man a fish and he will live for a day. Teach man to fish and he will hunt you.
Ohh fiddledeedee.....
There is a Chinese saying... Give man a fish and he will live for a day. Teach man to fish and he will live a lifetime.
and it adds up...
Knox...I hate to see what you become when you get older...unless you change, it will at the very least, be a bitter old man with no friends...
is to help people as much as possible but never expect any returns.
I came in this world alone and I will die alone. What I leave behind will be those people whom I helped and who have forgotten me and left me in the wilderness.
(Sometimes I feel like living on an island alone........ some day I will buy one)
Yes, you are saying beautiful worlds, but as my experience about this, I need to stop my business & save all my time to teach them ...
Dear, I think your new people when they come here, they are thinking we are the old livers in Qatar.. just collecting the money from the sky ... & they are only looking at you car .. your house .. & saying ... why we have no same.... mmmmmmmmm .... he put us in the bad company & bad job... to not be like him... they never think about their ability to get what they want to get...
to listen to someone and be a shoulder to lean on if they need it??? nothing but a little bit of your time...and who knows..the life you save might end up being your the long run...
You thing I've learned in my 50 years on this earth is that you never know who you have touched and in what way when you are kind to them. I had a girl that I barely knew from high school tell me I was the reason she kept on going on with her education...because I cared enough to talk to her and help her understand biology class..She became a teacher...and 30 years later she told me the impact that kindness made.
it is greed, thirst and ambition that is destroying this world.
Greed, ambition and desires come before hate.
If we dont have them we will not have hate.
yeah this world is a cut throat place, help those who are really really really like dying need of help. dont go out and help the lazy people who cant work hard themselves and expect some good soul like u to come along and help them. and always remember what goes around comes around...sooner or later.
alone, so why not make the most of being here while you ARE here..make friends, help others, because you never know...the person you help might be the one who offers you a helping hand when you need it the most...
get a more positive viewpoint, please...your mindset will make the world hate each other for eternity...
Yes, but so late
sometimes people can't see past their own troubles, and when they see you doing well..think you don't HAVE any troubles or know how to fix they lay their sorrows and woes upon you...Try to listen to them, but also at the same time gently lead them as to how to solve their own problems by themselves...Some don't know how to depend upon themselves to save their own selves from whatever it is that is keeping them down. So...they come to you...because they are impressed or perhaps very envious of your accomplishments and want to be like you. Consider it first a compliment, then teach them how to help themselves...
you just found the reality of this materialistic world. Congrats and dont help anyone and never seek help
(You come alone in this world and you leave this world alone)
you misunderstand me..
I didn't want getting return ... I just wanted appreciating by stop making troubles & bring problems to me....
is it difficult?
You will be happy only when you help somebody and stop thinking about the return you get.. you might do the something gud to some1 and when your in the same place... you just cant see the same happening it to you.. so cheer up... n also grow up... n stop thinking about it... n keep doin the same... certainly there is some1 looking up you will certainly be rewarded 10 times of it.. but.. only when you stop expecting returns... so I hope you know what to do next...