thnx pajju...
Aana free, jaana free, Pakde...
only kids and girls eat choclates....
Aana free...
Outside New world centre there is a guy who repairs...
My PC ON since 2001 july...only goes OFF incase kharama...
may be Doha clinic and Hamad hospital will close but...
correction: jarir bookstore.
250QR avilable at zarir bookstore.
yeah kissing and touching in Qatar only throuh...
sould not go anywhere if not deleted...
thnx pajju...
Aana free, jaana free,
only kids and girls eat choclates....
Aana free...
Outside New world centre there is a guy who repairs...
My PC ON since 2001 july...only goes OFF incase kharama...
may be Doha clinic and Hamad hospital will close but...
correction: jarir bookstore.
250QR avilable at zarir bookstore.
yeah kissing and touching in Qatar only throuh...
sould not go anywhere if not deleted...