Its not about crying. Just educational places asking...
more like the worlds most over rated
Yes this school does exists. I know quite a few people...
yea fair enough...i mean ur selling a Beemer or a Merc...
why even bring up these topics...i mean cleary thse...
Eh, you gotta what you gotta do....i agree with brit n...
yup definately agree with Novita lol...i mean its a...
agree with you on this brit...
damn....i've seen so many of these trucks flipped ......
Alright...secretagent69 has surely lost it....ofcourse...
Its not about crying. Just educational places asking...
more like the worlds most over rated
Yes this school does exists. I know quite a few people...
yea fair enough...i mean ur selling a Beemer or a Merc...
why even bring up these topics...i mean cleary thse...
Eh, you gotta what you gotta do....i agree with brit n...
yup definately agree with Novita lol...i mean its a...
agree with you on this brit...
damn....i've seen so many of these trucks flipped ......
Alright...secretagent69 has surely lost it....ofcourse...