First of all bboss, Malena is a FICTIONAL film, meaning...
bboss, is it the "immoral" women who are the problem or...
By Disney?? Who tried to ban Gay Days at their park?...
LOL. That's the first time I've heard someone call the...
Canada - Ottawa
Perhaps it would have been better to make some heavier...
So skinny people are evil?
Ya. Gays are totally after all heterosexuals. They...
No I don't think it's unrealistic. People might say...
I agree wirehead, the custody battle will be the...
First of all bboss, Malena is a FICTIONAL film, meaning...
bboss, is it the "immoral" women who are the problem or...
By Disney?? Who tried to ban Gay Days at their park?...
LOL. That's the first time I've heard someone call the...
Canada - Ottawa
Perhaps it would have been better to make some heavier...
So skinny people are evil?
Ya. Gays are totally after all heterosexuals. They...
No I don't think it's unrealistic. People might say...
I agree wirehead, the custody battle will be the...