i agree with nic..... if you are a bachelor then its a...
Green tea is better then Tea..........
deepb, how do you know about all this frozen atpl, all...
deepb, i have almost 250 hours left.....
deepb, i have atpl frozen credits, and i am currently...
yes i have a frozen atpl license, 319 and 320, which...
nic i have a atpl license with type raiting on 319, 320...
beautynbrain, never under estimate your self, just...
beautynbrain, i have a remote control helicopter, you...
i agree with nic..... if you are a bachelor then its a...
Green tea is better then Tea..........
deepb, how do you know about all this frozen atpl, all...
deepb, i have almost 250 hours left.....
deepb, i have atpl frozen credits, and i am currently...
yes i have a frozen atpl license, 319 and 320, which...
nic i have a atpl license with type raiting on 319, 320...
beautynbrain, never under estimate your self, just...
beautynbrain, i have a remote control helicopter, you...