wizz14...you are right...you cannot live without God...
When there was no religion that time why peoples were...
Brit...He is/was/will be...the Alpha & Omega...The...
Rabbit...did you ever thank Constantine the Pagan for...
Gypsy...the Deist God is Just who doesn't favor a few...
Gypsy...DEISM isn't religion. It's a philosophy. God...
FS...i know what you mean. Most of us have been...
Along Salwa Road...you won't miss it. It's the R/A if...
Unfortunately, you can't. I'm not sure if other...
In response to VB, you said that 120000+++ prophets...
wizz14...you are right...you cannot live without God...
When there was no religion that time why peoples were...
Brit...He is/was/will be...the Alpha & Omega...The...
Rabbit...did you ever thank Constantine the Pagan for...
Gypsy...the Deist God is Just who doesn't favor a few...
Gypsy...DEISM isn't religion. It's a philosophy. God...
FS...i know what you mean. Most of us have been...
Along Salwa Road...you won't miss it. It's the R/A if...
Unfortunately, you can't. I'm not sure if other...
In response to VB, you said that 120000+++ prophets...