As the say 'ooop' in the North of England when...
You really are a scream! So descriptive were you that...
nice touch, Smr. Glad to see you do your homework on...
the subject had gone away from the thread :P
is a TYPE of lottery, one in which the prizes are goods...
they stopped all internet connections apart from...
I'm gonna hit the sack too. *yawns*
Take care...
I don't understand what the prob is ... it's a nice,...
Isn't this all about that old saying 'you have to kiss...
I see what you are talking about now. Kelly...
As the say 'ooop' in the North of England when...
You really are a scream! So descriptive were you that...
nice touch, Smr. Glad to see you do your homework on...
the subject had gone away from the thread :P a TYPE of lottery, one in which the prizes are goods...
they stopped all internet connections apart from...
I'm gonna hit the sack too. *yawns*
Take care...
I don't understand what the prob is ... it's a nice,...
Isn't this all about that old saying 'you have to kiss...
I see what you are talking about now.