is a TYPE of lottery, one in which the prizes are goods NOT money - you buy a ticket and take your chances on winning a prize. Unlike gambling where you pay money in order to 'gamble' on whether you lose that money or make more.
Mrs. Your friend must have been pretty dim to try and import booze here. I believe it's clearly stated that it isn't allowed, probably in the Duty Free section of the pamphlet the airlines hand out.
The Duty Free shops are for exporting it - it's an International Airport, which just happens to be in an Islamic Country, and as soon as you walk through into the duty free area you are in International Territory.
Pork? Well, I've no idea about that being brought in, except I know it does through Diplomatic Pouches and the like. I certainly wouldn't bring a pig with me in my hand baggage :P
Apologies if someone has mentioned all this whilst I was typing it - I got called away from computer so have no idea what has been said on this subject since I started typing this tome!
is a TYPE of lottery, one in which the prizes are goods NOT money - you buy a ticket and take your chances on winning a prize. Unlike gambling where you pay money in order to 'gamble' on whether you lose that money or make more.
Mrs. Your friend must have been pretty dim to try and import booze here. I believe it's clearly stated that it isn't allowed, probably in the Duty Free section of the pamphlet the airlines hand out.
The Duty Free shops are for exporting it - it's an International Airport, which just happens to be in an Islamic Country, and as soon as you walk through into the duty free area you are in International Territory.
Pork? Well, I've no idea about that being brought in, except I know it does through Diplomatic Pouches and the like. I certainly wouldn't bring a pig with me in my hand baggage :P
Apologies if someone has mentioned all this whilst I was typing it - I got called away from computer so have no idea what has been said on this subject since I started typing this tome!