Did you start the cooking Flip?? rizks is not...
Don't be scared Rizks, your sacrifice will feed hungry...
Yah Rizks, we make a delicious menu out of dogs.....
Owww.. so now i got it all in piece.. That's "wow".....
nomerci, Balut is bigger than a lizard.. :))
That's a house lizard.. They eat mosquito, mosquito...
Flip, please elaborate the story.. :)
Maybe i ate the half of it.. :((
the clip is 8mins+ long.. Yah, the song really caught...
Ewwwwwwwwwww... I wanna cry!!!
Did you start the cooking Flip??
rizks is not...
Don't be scared Rizks, your sacrifice will feed hungry...
Yah Rizks, we make a delicious menu out of dogs.....
Owww.. so now i got it all in piece.. That's "wow".....
nomerci, Balut is bigger than a lizard.. :))
...That's a house lizard.. They eat mosquito, mosquito...
Flip, please elaborate the story.. :)
Maybe i ate the half of it.. :((
the clip is 8mins+ long.. Yah, the song really caught...
Ewwwwwwwwwww... I wanna cry!!!