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Facebook is a Stupid Idiot (David Ippolito)
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Facebook is a Stupid Idiot (David Ippolito)
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yah, I Am Married now.. hahahahaha
Khattak, stop stalking me in FB.. Don't bring FB in QL.. :))
I loved it when he said....What the F is Farmville. That simply cracked me UP :D
oh goody, facebook! what is it? :P
lol visper and khattak....long live facebook :-)
Visper's FB Wall shows....She just changed her status.
Urrgghh Khattak.. I will change my status.. :(
PS: Visper's FB Status shows that she laughed for 8 minutes.
no Itsforus.. The people "behind" FB are the stupid and idiot..
and the FB bashing begin again..
cannot view from office,,,,,,bummer
LOL... Great . I agree with him.
Oops...anyways, the way I read it (without knowing the length of the clip) gave me a smile...:)
the clip is 8mins+ long.. Yah, the song really caught me off guard.. you should watch that at home.. :))
Visper...though I cannot see the clip from office...but your comment did give me something to have a smile...."laughing for 8 mins"...:)
I reallllly enjoyed it.. I was laughing for 8mins.. you should watch how i laugh at this one.. I feel that song is for me.. :(
TFS... :)
i really enjyd this clip... hop u guys tooo?
yes you are right
@ Rizks u should watch dat @ home :) ur comments counts too lol... yeah it sounds childish ;)
What the F* is FARMVILLE?? hahahahaha
I have to took to my News feed and click some shared items for FV.. :))
Internet is a technology where good and evil can be found. Then why you're so upset with FACEBOOK? Can't view the link, but i think Rizks is right..sounds so CHILDISH!
....Rizks, I understand you..:)
Happy m sorry i cant view tat link frm my office so cant say anything...but still the title sounds so childish ! :)
....Rizks, that's the title of the tune. Stupid is a person who makes such a big deal about a page. We're the content managers of the web.
wat a childish title ! :)
...Have seen it before. There're so many funny jokes about Facebook...:)