Attention QLers: Master Rizks is busy for the moment...
What next after Hugging?? As i remember done with...
Ahhh.. Well Rizks asked that this should be posted in...
"PS: If Re-posted ? so what ? LOL"
Haven't seen...
Are u doing tutorials?? Hugging is harder than algebra...
REason for what?? I'm from Philipppines, speak both...
What is the weather in Doha today?? That maybe...
Rizks, we are not welcome in the main forum as well??...
Yah, Bisaya!! I am a good speaker in Bisaya dong...
In my surprise, Recent Posts says this is NEW.. But i...
Attention QLers: Master Rizks is busy for the moment...
What next after Hugging?? As i remember done with...
Ahhh.. Well Rizks asked that this should be posted in...
"PS: If Re-posted ? so what ? LOL"
Haven't seen...
Are u doing tutorials?? Hugging is harder than algebra...
REason for what?? I'm from Philipppines, speak both...
What is the weather in Doha today?? That maybe...
Rizks, we are not welcome in the main forum as well??...
Yah, Bisaya!! I am a good speaker in Bisaya dong...
In my surprise, Recent Posts says this is NEW.. But i...