Next word please..
Tolding Hands And Kissing ... I found it in Google.....
Tellding?? Getting more hard.. Wait!!
Google is stupid! He don't know what is tolding.. :(...
Tolding??? I will google it.. :P
LOL @ asif.. Ok u won.. LOL
Who's serious now?
Seen most of the video in Planet's Funniest Animals.....
Maybe you swallowed the video.. hehehe Peace!...
I though he became bald after marriage.. Too much hair...
Next word please..
Tolding Hands And Kissing ... I found it in Google.....
Tellding?? Getting more hard.. Wait!!
Google is stupid! He don't know what is tolding.. :(...
Tolding??? I will google it.. :P
LOL @ asif..
Ok u won.. LOL
Who's serious now?
Seen most of the video in Planet's Funniest Animals.....
Maybe you swallowed the video.. hehehe
I though he became bald after marriage.. Too much hair...