Nice dog, btw.
And vice versa.
Greetings Down Under! The land of Acca Dacca.
km, it's about 45-47 degrees Celsius these days and it...
Queen sure could rock.
Yeah, time to hit the...
Novita, there's a commodity here that is considered...
km, try an online reservation. What's your budget?...
Terramax, I'm not arguing against their inclusion. All...
Yes, Apple, you two have seen the light and know what...
People of the book means a book revealed to a messenger...
Nice dog, btw.
And vice versa.
Greetings Down Under! The land of Acca Dacca.
km, it's about 45-47 degrees Celsius these days and it...
Queen sure could rock.
Yeah, time to hit the...
Novita, there's a commodity here that is considered...
km, try an online reservation. What's your budget?...
Terramax, I'm not arguing against their inclusion. All...
Yes, Apple, you two have seen the light and know what...
People of the book means a book revealed to a messenger...