For the movie listings in City Center:...
Just called them, sadly they don't have them :(...
I'm not sure what you mean by the types of numbers we...
Yes Osman, Arwud and I can play the solos. They aren't...
Hey Ozzy, it doesn't have to be Sweet Child. If you can...
I've called Virgin, yes they're open. Not sure about...
Just called them, yup they're open today...
Been trying to reach Virgin Megastores in Villagio by...
We've tried a couple of times to make our own songs,...
Would love to mate, but I doubt he'd ever come to Qatar...
For the movie listings in City Center:...
Just called them, sadly they don't have them :(...
I'm not sure what you mean by the types of numbers we...
Yes Osman, Arwud and I can play the solos. They aren't...
Hey Ozzy, it doesn't have to be Sweet Child. If you can...
I've called Virgin, yes they're open. Not sure about...
Just called them, yup they're open today...
...Been trying to reach Virgin Megastores in Villagio by...
We've tried a couple of times to make our own songs,...
Would love to mate, but I doubt he'd ever come to Qatar...