Not uncomfortable, just a bit puzzled. I think it's a...
We just love the Aspire gym. About 150 QR a month (...
Rabbit, Superwoman was discussing her unhappiness with...
May I be so bold as to suggest that higher education is...
Good idea! Please warn all innocent (and not so...
pilengr and Delfaizha, yes, there IS something wrong...
Linnie, you really do want to take the compound offer....
No, sorry, you will not be compensated for resigning...
Medical Spa at Villagio.
They're only available on-line. Cloud Nine salon has a...
Not uncomfortable, just a bit puzzled. I think it's a...
We just love the Aspire gym. About 150 QR a month (...
Rabbit, Superwoman was discussing her unhappiness with...
May I be so bold as to suggest that higher education is...
Good idea! Please warn all innocent (and not so...
pilengr and Delfaizha, yes, there IS something wrong...
Linnie, you really do want to take the compound offer....
No, sorry, you will not be compensated for resigning...
Medical Spa at Villagio.
They're only available on-line. Cloud Nine salon has a...