it has a problem but it's bearable! If it comes to a...
if you can't take it anymore, why bother to have and...
as long as company sertifies it'a a salary account!...
if you still don't know the differenece between...
to document controller? And can't live without FB?...
they have a wrong belief because religion should make...
did you work just to do FB? Stick to QL! Lol!
is based on religious obedience. It can't be separated...
maybe we should send them truckfuls of "luck". They...
as per NOMAD, it's plain LUCK!
it has a problem but it's bearable! If it comes to a...
if you can't take it anymore, why bother to have and...
as long as company sertifies it'a a salary account!...
if you still don't know the differenece between...
to document controller? And can't live without FB?...
they have a wrong belief because religion should make...
did you work just to do FB? Stick to QL! Lol! based on religious obedience. It can't be separated...
maybe we should send them truckfuls of "luck". They...
as per NOMAD, it's plain LUCK!